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have gained study and work experience abroad • Sustainability - the application of the tool in encounter in developing students’ social-emotional relevant skills, and ultimately result in facilitated
are sharing gained experience via the INVENTA daily practice; and career management skills. Professor Dr. V. access to employment. Therefore, predicting trends
platform with current students at the secondary • Opportunity for dissemination of results - the Scott Solberg from Boston University, Wheelock in the future labour markets, anticipating the skills
grammar school. A mentor not only inspires others obtained results could be used by other career College of Education and Human Development such labour markets will demand and prepare the
through his/her experience, but also helps a stu- advisers in the respective field. offered rich insights on the role, dimensions and future labour force to meet these demands has
dent to choose the right mobility, supports him/ 16 proposals were received; three of them were impact of the social and emotional learning in stu- become an essential component of the modern
or her during the university admission process or dents’ career development in his keynote speech. education and employment systems.
during their enrolment into international projects. awarded the best of the best. The methods of Moreover, results of relevant international projects
counselling and guidance used by the awarded Building on this, Euroguidance Croatia organised its
participants were as follows: (SEL, Empaqt and Jobland) on the development sixth Info Day on EU Networks in Zagreb in Sep-
National competition for presenting • Trust of social and emotional skills as well as career tember 2019. The Info Day is an annual information
successful practices as a result of • Finding strengths and self-knowledge management skills were presented during the event providing news and information on the work
plenary session and workshops were organized
career counselling and guidance in • Discovering our strengths through the World Cafe methodology and based of different EU networks relevant for the school
Bulgaria • Showing creativity on the CASEL Model on the following five topics: guidance community. The networks participating
• Adapting to the specific situation adapting in this year’s event were Euroguidance, Europass,
In 2019 Euroguidance Bulgaria announced a • Providing up-to-date information on labour Self-awareness, Personal management, Social eTwinning, Eurodesk, ECVET, Eurydice and Youth-
National Contest for presenting successful stories market trends, etc. awareness, Relationship and communication skills pass, all operating as part of the Croatian National
of career counselling and guidance in Bulgaria. and Decision-making. The event was a rewarding Agency for Erasmus+. The event was designed to
The competition aimed at collecting, distinguishing Awarded practices were recorded. For more learning experience for the participants who primarily address Euroguidance’s target audience –
and promoting successful stories as a result of information, please follow the link: https://drive. appreciated exchanging ideas among each other, primary and secondary school counsellors, as well
various forms of career counselling in educational working together by using interactive methods and as teachers providing guidance to pupils.
institutions, career centres or information and kuGYxa31e/view receiving professional support from the Euroguid-
career guidance centres. The competition targeted ance network most. The conference presentations The goal of the event was to inform and raise
specialists in career counselling and guidance in Romanian National Euroguidance are available online at: awareness on the opportunities that each of the
all fields of education and training as well as Conference conferinta- nationala-euroguidance-2019/ networks involved offers to the target audience in
successfully consulted people. terms of helping them enhance the “future” skills1
The 20 Euroguidance National Conference “Social Info Day on Future Skills of pupils and students. The idea of the event was
The applications submitted were evaluated on the and emotional learning - dimensions and impact in to encourage counsellors to recognize the labour
basis of the following criteria: the development of students; careers. Challenges In today’s world, rapid economic and technological market trends in the past few decades, become
• Innovation of the tool used - introduction of and solutions for school counsellors and teachers” changes in which European and global businesses aware of the trends and skills that may emerge
innovative, authorial, original practices that was organised by Euroguidance Romania and the operate require a change of perspective from the in the future and reflect on how they prepare
did not currently exist in the specific region, Institute of Educational Sciences (IES) in Bucharest “job-for-life” concept to the concept of “lifelong students to develop those skills. As a result, each
context or target group; on 15 November 2019. In total, 60 school coun- learning and employability”. In such a context, network participated with carefully tailored input
• Applicability and Impact - the innovative tool sellors and directors of school counselling centres quality lifelong guidance systems need to ensure to meet these goals – this strongly contributed to
used qualitatively, met the needs of the target from across the country participated and dis- individuals’ access to lifelong learning possibilities cooperation and creation of synergies among the
group and had proven impact; cussed challenges school counsellors and teachers that lead to the development of new and market- above networks with the ultimate goal of ensuring
© Euroguidance Romania © Euroguidance Croatia