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Its pictorial representation means inherently less at Boston University from October 2018 till March 3. Career exploration and management compe- they lack sufficient functional links between them
text. MCGA has finalised this booklet and it will be 2019 on the topic “Evaluation of career guidance tences to achieve the effect of a complete and effectively
launched during the scholastic year 2020/21 to be programs”. The article discusses what it means to functioning system.
used as a tool for both the student to facilitate his/ implement and evaluate a comprehensive school The 3 learning areas are applicable for the follow-
her understanding during his/her experience, while approach, named Academic and Career Planning ing learning cycles: Focusing the research on the perspective of
1. The Primary School Years (Year 3 – 6)
also for the career guidance practitioner in order (ACP) in middle and high school in the state of career counsellors and their specific professional
to reach students with different abilities within the Wisconsin. The ACP is a personalised program 2. The Middle School Years (Year 7 – 8) development needs proved useful in describing
3. The Senior School Years (Year 9 – 11)
mainstream schooling context. By means of this that aims to prepare students for college, career, the resource available at national level in the field
booklet, MCGA and NSSS have reached another and life. It was elaborated based on research The framework also includes a set of benchmarks of career guidance, but at the same time defin-
goal in order to become even more inclusive in recommendations for incorporating career devel- for effective career learning and development. ing difficulties and problem areas, that needed
their day to day work and such ongoing projects opment throughout K12 for self-exploration, career It provides schools with a practical tool for self- improvement. The most urgent issues to solve in
and commitments. exploration, and career planning and management. assessing careers provision and opportunities for order to ensure a higher quality of career guidance
developing an action plan for improvement. The were identified as: Clear definition of the status of
The abstract are available here:
career counsellor in the educational system; Access
Romanian contribution to CEG research aim is that of assisting service providers to reflect to advanced training and resources; Promotion of
Members of Euroguidance Romania continued uploads/2019/09/Book-of-abstracts_final-02. and evaluate their work by adopting a ‘reflective career counsellor activity, incl. among parents and
practitioner’ approach.
their efforts to bring forward the innovations in 09.2019.pdf. teachers. Building a network, a professional com-
the field of guidance and counselling by publishing The four categories that need to be reflected upon munity of career counsellors, to share information
three scientific articles which they presented at the Career Learning and Development: are: and provide support.
International Bucharest Scientific "eLearning and A tool for professionals working in 1. The Career Education Programme The analysis can be found on the following web-
Software for Education" (ELSE) Conference (ELSE) career guidance in Malta 2. The Career Guidance Provision site:
and IAEVG in Bratislava. 3. The Whole School approach
How can we help students understand themselves 4. The teachers and career guidance practitioners
The first article deals with the “Teachers` needs Guide about education and training in
and readiness for employing OER”. It presents and the environment in which they live so they Additional meetings have been held with stake- Germany
are better equipped to decide on their education,
the results of an analysis of the teachers` train- holders, Teachers’ Unions, College Principals,
ing needs, done by the Institute of Educational training and/or work pathways? Heads of Schools, teachers and career guidance By the end of 2019, the German Euroguidance
Sciences, regarding the use of Open Educational Developed throughout 2019, this framework is practitioners - to brief them about the framework Centre published a guide about education and
Resources (OER) and the implications for prac- intended to be a referral point for schools and and explain their involvement in the process. The training in Germany. The brochure aims at sup-
tice. The focal issues addressed were: teachers` colleges to help professionals support the planning, framework which is being financed by Eurogui- porting guidance counsellors in their work and
prior experience in employing OER, the specific design and delivery of career education and career dance Malta will be published once all major at informing young people from abroad about
hindrances, digital environment or available infra- guidance. It aims to establish guidelines for career feedback has been received. possible career choices in Germany. The content
structure, specific knowledge and skills or target learning and development in compulsory schooling was edited by guidance counsellors of the Inter-
groups` implementation differences. The abstract and achieve better co-ordination between all edu- Survey for Career counsellors in national and Specialized Services, who solely work
is available at: cators involved. It acknowledges and encourages Bulgaria with foreigners and therefore know their needs
a ‘whole school approach’ to career learning and best. The first chapters give a firm overview of aims to serve as a tool which helps evaluate The aim of the survey conducted by Euroguidance the dual training and dual study systems, which
and improve the quality of career learning in our Bulgaria was to investigate the training and qual- both combine theoretical learning in school and
The two other articles were presented during the schools. ification needs of career counsellors in Bulgaria as at university level respectively with working in
IAEVG conference in Bratislava in September 2019. participants in the career guidance system in the a company at the same time. Basic information
The framework is based on different international country and, on this basis, to analyze the possibil- on conventional higher education is also included
The first article is a result of a larger cross-cultural models but also reflects the specific needs ities for improving the quality of career guidance, along with some useful hints on e.g. trends in the
research programme referred to as “Connecting of Maltese schools and colleges. It adopts a through engagement of the Euroguidance network. labour market, application deadlines and links for
Social and Emotional Learning to Professional student-centred approach to career learning; The overall activity of organizing and conducting further information. Moreover, there are responses
Development for Educators and Effective Teach- emphasising the importance of providing the right the survey covered the period from May to No- to frequently asked questions concerning admis-
ing”, which was formally recognized in May 2019 space where students can gain understanding, vember 2018. The questionnaire was created in sion restrictions for students and general entry to
by the World Education Research Association as knowledge and skills but also opportunities for accordance with the aims and objectives of the Germany for non-EU citizens. At last, the reader
an International Research Network (2019-2022). reflection and evaluation. survey. It included as wide a group of participants gets an estimate of living conditions in the country
The Year 1 results of the study were presented The framework identifies 9 competences within 3 as possible, in total 183 respondents completed with respect to living expenses, health insurance
in terms of the cross-cultural coding themes that areas of learning to facilitate learners’ personal and the survey. and financing of the training or studies. The bro-
emerged with an emphasis on common themes career development, namely: chure is completed by two roadmaps describing
as well as themes and descriptions that are unique 1. Personal exploration and management compe- Summary data from the study showed that career which steps to undertake and where to seek ad-
to different countries. counsellors had a high degree of sensitivity to the vice when choosing to study or train in Germany.
tences problems in their work. According to them career
The second article is a result of a Fulbright research 2. Learning exploration and management compe- guidance system in Bulgaria was not functioning The publication can be downloaded here:
scholarship undertaken by the Romanian author tences effectively enough. They stated that there are
mostly separate components of the system, but content/1533729980311