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2.8  Study visits                                        Study Visit “Inclusion through
                                                          Education and Employment with the
                                                          Focus on NEETs”

                                                          In October 2019, aspire-igen, the UK Euroguidance
                                                          Centre, welcomed 5 Swedish career counsellors -
                                                          based in Laholm and all working with NEETs - for
                                                          the study visit “Inclusion through Education and
                                                          Employment with the focus on NEETs”. The contact
                                                          between the Swedish participants and aspire-igen
 All Euroguidance Centres across Europe have  ance and counselling in schools. Additionally, the   was established through the Euroguidance Net-
 taken active measures to support the professional  study visit recognised good work that practitioners   © Euroguidance Ireland  work. Through the study visit the municipality of
 development of guidance professionals regarding  had been doing, since participants were selected   Laholm and ‘Arbetsmarkndasinsatser’ hoped to get
 the international and intercultural dimension of  through the open call in which they presented   a good insight into how aspire-igen works with
 their daily work practice. In this way internationally  their experiences.   number of site visits to guidance related services  issues relating to NEET.
                 in the Dublin area.
 aspired clients and clients with a different cultural    The study visit included mutual exchange and
 background can be better guided on their learning   During  the  study  visit,  the  participants  had  the   There was an information sharing session where  learning, the presentation of projects as well as
 opportunity to present their experience with
 and career paths. As well as this, cross-border   the participants offered their knowledge and  visits to different places such as the aspire2work
 networking, active engagement in European proj-  the planning and implementation of activities in   experiences of multicultural guidance through  ( Horti-
 the context of career guidance and counselling.
 ect cooperation and participation in international   short presentations on their guidance systems and  culture course in Wakefield where they were able
 events and study visits are having an increasing   Moreover, they talked about the challenges and   practice in their countries. This provided an oppor-  to interact with students in attendance and to see
 directions of the further development of those
 importance for guidance counsellors’ ongoing   tunity to reflect on the similarities and differences  the course allotment.
 professional development. The study visits in 2019   activities in interactive discussions and looked for   in guidance provision between European countries
 ways to develop cooperation at European level
 were centred around guidance in education, career   and some of the challenges which emerge.   The visitors also met with the ‘Accelerate’ team - a
 management skills, NEETs, and guidance in multi-  through group work activities.   programme for young people aged 15-24 who are
 cultural context. Some study visits, especially those  Participants reported that this helped them to   There was a reflection workshop session on the  at risk of disengaging from education, employment
 under the Erasmus+ Academia programme, were  become aware of common challenges in the field   final afternoon in NCGE for the visiting group  and training. The programme creates career path-
 organized for participants from different countries,  of career guidance and counselling, but also to try   to think about and evaluate the large range of  ways for young people through both regulated and
 providing transnational exchange of experience  out some new ideas that they heard from others.   presentations and site visits which they had   non-regulated learning, employability skills, training
 and best practice within the study visit group itself.   experienced during their visit. They were invited   and work experience. Aspire-igen delivers the
 Event photos available at:  to identify their own beliefs and assumptions. In   Accelerate programme in schools and community
 EGstudyvisitCZRS2019  their groups they shared their reflections on how   settings throughout Yorkshire and the Humber. The
 Joint seminar for teachers from Czech   they might work with the challenges and practice   Swedish visitors met face-to-face with the young
 Republic and Serbia in Belgrade   Exploring the challenges of providing   issues in providing guidance in a multicultural and   learners and the Manager of the programme
 The  Euroguidance Centres of Serbia and Czech  meaningful guidance in a multicultural   upskilling context in their national contexts.   in Wakefield and were given a comprehensive
 Republic organized a study visit in Belgrade in April   context   All the participants were impressed by the con-  overview of the programme. The visit was a great
 2019. This event brought together 20 career guid-  tinuous references by staff and students alike to   success, and fulfilled the criteria required and calls
 ance practitioners – Czech and Serbian teachers  From 19 – 21 February 2019, Euroguidance Ireland   the National Framework of Qualifications and how   for further future cooperation.
 and professional associates from elementary and  hosted a study visit on 'Exploring the challenges   embedded it is in the Irish education system. The
 secondary schools - with the aim of exchanging  of providing meaningful guidance in a multicultural   ENIC-NARIC process was discussed at intervals
 experiences and ideas for improving career guid-  context in the Further Education and Training (or   throughout the study visit and how important it
 VET) system in Ireland'. It was open to guidance   is as a supportive guidance tool for multicultural   Employability and Career Management
 practitioners across Europe and promoted discus-  clients. The group felt that they received an excel-  Skills at the University of Southern
 sions on the theme in a wider European context.   lent overview of guidance in the Further Education  Denmark (SDU)
 This study visit focused on the Further Education   and Training area in the national context in Ireland.   Many  recent  graduates  experience  challenges,
 and Training (FET) system in Ireland (combining   They commented that the presentations from   when they try to enter the labour market after
 what is adult education and known as Vocational   NCGE, Euroguidance, QQI, AEGS and Community   their graduation. In order to address  this and
 Education Training (VET) in Europe) with particular   Education together with group discussion provided   prepare the students for the future labour market
 reference to upskilling and 'The New Skills Agen-  them with ideas and inspiration to continue the   while still studying, the career advisers at Univer-
 da'. Participants were from Estonia, Luxembourg,   development of guidance practice in their coun-  sity of Southern Denmark (SDU) have for several
 Belgium (FL), the Czech Republic and Romania.   tries.   years implemented career learning into teaching.
 The study visit was based in the National Centre   More information and all presentations can be  The goal is to make students more career-con-
 for Guidance in Education (NCGE) and included a   viewed at   scious. The course is ECTS-based and is now a part
 © Euroguidance Serbia

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