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were referred to relevant contacts and services.  (Diku) together with Europass and Euroguidance
 The  centre’s work promoted  Erasmus+  and  the  Norway hosted participants to a TCA workshop   2.7  National
 opportunities the programme offers, and it em-  called “Guidance for Lifelong Learning Mobility -
 powered many pupils and students to make their  Standards, Methods and Outcomes”
 foreign hopes and dreams a reality.
 The workshop was an opportunity to collaborate
 During 2019, Euroguidance Belgium (FL) also took  and learn from existing best practices of EU / EEA   publications and studies
 part in several mobility fairs including the Go  Member States.
 Abroad Fair, a recently developed initiative aimed
 at guidance practitioners, young people and their   Activity was undertaken using the ‘Design
 parents. As part of Go Abroad Fair, the centre   Thinking’ approach - a practical, human-centred,
 offered a presentation to an enthusiastic audience   prototype-driven methodology for innovation
 of over 80 participants.  that tackles organisational challenges in creative
 ways. Design thinking has been on the agenda for
 many years. The Design Thinking process can be
 National conference on: "How to   divided into five phases; empathy, define, ideate,
 give guidance to clients from abroad,   prototype and test. Despite first impressions, the   Euroguidance centres continued to publish and  Exposure Experience (CEE). The CEE being a career
 wishing to enrol in Higher Education in   process is iterative and non-linear.   update several publications, both for guidance  guidance initiative whereby Year  10 students
 Denmark?"  27 participants from  14 different countries dis-  professionals and end users. Next to the publica-  spend five (5) days at a place of work; shadowing
                 tions and reports connected to conferences already  a job/career to which they aspire, while at the
 Every second year Euroguidance Denmark arrang-  cussed - what standards one can expect from   mentioned in previous sections, the following  same time beginning to understand and become
 es a conference with an international perspective   high quality  mobility  guidance?  what  methods   chapter showcases selected publications produced   acquainted with the world of work.
 for the Career guidance counsellors at the regional   are currently in use in Europe? and what are the   by national Euroguidance centres, such as a   This logbook has been used successfully over a
 guidance centres and eGuidance centres. The   expected outcomes from varying practices? The   counselling guide, survey and further analysis of   number of years, yet, career guidance practitioners
 topic of the conference and the programme was   objective for the TCA was to identify and develop   its results, reflective logbooks or scientific articles.   have noted that while the majority of students
 arranged with a reference group from the Regional   a tool kit for better tailored services to the ulti-  were proceeding very well in their reflection (and
 Guidance Centre and in  2019, they wanted the   mate beneficiary of all our activities, the people   Career Education Guide   the answering of associated questions), some with
 conference to focus on guidance of clients from   availing of learning and employment opportunities   lesser standard academic abilities were strug-
 abroad, wishing to enrol in Higher Education in   throughout Europe.    In 2019 the Euroguidance Centre of the Republic   gling; finding it hard to understand and complete
 Denmark. It was new to focus on the challenges   Outputs from the TCA included:    of North Macedonia at the National Agency for   the detailed reflective journal. In view of this,
 of the counsellors in relation to incoming mobility     •  Increased competence in designing tools for   European Education Programmes and Mobility   the Malta Career Guidance Association (MCGA)
 and the reference group presented concrete cases   mobility guidance   created a Career Education Guide. This guide is   proposed the creation of a simplified version.
 from their daily work, which served as a basis     •  Increased awareness of possible ways of   currently being translated into English and will
 for the presentation and discussion among the   carrying out mobility guidance   soon be published on our website. The Guide will   MCGA, in collaboration with the National School
 participants.        •  Established international network for compe-  also be distributed to all vocational high schools   Support Services (NSSS) coordinated the de-
                 and universities that have Career Centres, as well
 Many Danish experts were invited as keynote   tence building  as to major events organized by the Euroguidance   velopment, design and printing of a revised
                                                          pictorial version of the ‘Career Exposure Reflective
 speakers on the following subjects: Representa-  Centre. The guide describes career guidance and   Logbook’. This version is specifically targeted at
 tives from the Ministry’s office for assessment   career counselling for pupils and students more   students with lesser standard academic abilities.
 and recognition of foreign qualification gave a   clearly and in detail and provides examples of how
 presentation based on the cases and created   to use various tools. The Euroguidance Centre has
 a lively discussion amongst the participants.   designed this Guide for easier and more effective
 A representative from the Ministry’s office for   career counselling and should help career counsel-
 State Educational Grants explained the rules and   lors as well as pupils/students.
 legislation for foreign students and two teachers
 presented Danish language courses for foreigners.   Revised ‘Career Exposure Reflective
 The day ended with an overall conversation about   Logbook’
 “Guidance and Intercultural Communication”. 70
 guidance counsellors participated in the conference   Over the past number of years, Euroguidance Mal-
 in Aarhus and gave very positive feedback of the   ta has facilitated the design and print of dedicated
 day afterwards.  reflective logbooks. These aids assist students with
                 reflection during career guidance-related experi-
 Design Thinking for Innovative Mobility   ences within schools. One of these booklets - the   Traditional ‘  Revised
 Guidance        ‘Career Exposure Student’s Reflective Logbook’ – is
                 aimed specifically at Year 10 students and contains   Logbook’  Logbook’
 Between  the  9   and  11   May  2019,  in  Bergen   several questions which the student reflects upon
 Norway,  the National Agency for Erasmus+  © Euroguidance Norway  (and answers) as part of participation in the Career   © Euroguidance Malta

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