Page 35 - Euroguidance-highlights-2018
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The projects research will also act as a feasibility In 2018 Euroguidance Turkey started developing
study which will provide an evidence base for a career tool for high school graduates, university
policymakers across Europe, as they look to fur- students and university graduates. Once finished
ther develop open data, eGovernment and labour in 2019 it will be launched as a web interface to
market policy. access a vast database where one can find in-
formation about various higher education de-
Ten years ago the Danish Ministry of Education partments, post-graduation work opportunities,
and the researcher Søren Kristensen developed statistical data specific to university departments,
a Danish Mobility Handbook for Guidance Coun- and statistical data on the labour market as
sellors. The Handbook was later translated and well. With the help of this E-Graduate Career
implemented in several other European countries. Tool guidance counsellors will be able to offer
In 2018 Euroguidance Denmark in cooperation counselling services to students or graduates in a
with Søren Kristensen created an updated text more comprehensive and effective manner.
in a completely new design. The Digital Mobility
Guide for guidance counsellors (in Danish) is a Two interactive career tests were created and
help to guidance practitioners who work with published on the national Lithuanian Eurogui-
young persons going abroad. It addresses prima- dance website. The first one “What would be your
rily guidance practitioners who are newcomers to volunteering motto?” helps people find out, what
the area of mobility guidance, but can also give kind of volunteering activity would be suitable
more experienced counsellors new ideas and for them (e.g. volunteering in the environment
inspiration for their work. The guide gives inspi- protection or animal welfare field, in community
centres, social support organizations or in culture/
ration and advice that can enhance the quality of
the stays abroad. sport events, etc.). The second test “Do you think
critically?” helps people evaluate their critical
Following an official Norwegian report “Career thinking skills. Both of these test can help people
Guidance for Individuals and Society”, the govern- get to know themselves better and improve their
ment initiated a project to set up an online career critical thinking skills.
guidance service consisting of a website with in- To prepare for a gap year abroad, Euroguidance
formation and self-help resources and online France has created an interactive and personali-
counselling (e-guidance). Skills Norway, together sed quiz “Choose your mobility for the gap year!”.
with the Norwegian Directorate for Education and This quiz serves as a help to define and find the
Training this is now in full throttle to establish the suitable mobility project during such a period. A
service that will be launched in the near future. survey on Gap year in Europe was conducted
Euroguidance Norway (together with Diku - The among the various Euroguidance centres to find
Norwegian Agency for International Cooperation out how the gap year is seen and experienced in
in Higher Education) invited the project managers other European countries. The survey focused on
from the two agencies to a national conference answers to the following questions: e.g. Is taking
to give a preview of some of the features of the a gap year usual for students between high
e-guidance system. “The mandate was to estab- school and higher education in your own country?
lish a chat; however, we want to make the online Does taking a gap year have an incidence in the
self-service information so good that a majority of application process in university? After taking
users will manage themselves”, project manager a gap year, how many students really return to
Ingrid Kulseng-Varmedal stated. The e-guidance education? Does taking a gap year increase drop
system is part of the national skills policy where outs in your country? Outcomes summarized in
guidance plays an important part. an article HERE (in French).