Page 44 - Euroguidance-highlights-2018
P. 44
2.7 National publica-
tions and studies
Euroguidance centres continued to publish and tional events) and largely disseminating the re-
update several publications, both for guidance search-based publication “Counselling and per-
professionals and end users. Next to the publi- sonal development in the Vth grade. Guide for
cations and reports connected to conferences teachers (2018)” - produced by the Institute of
already mentioned in previous sections, the fol- Educational Sciences in Bucharest - towards the
lowing chapter showcases selected publications Romanian guidance and counselling community.
produced by national Euroguidance centres, such The structure of the guide follows the prescrip-
as a scientific journal, a research-based publi- tions of the CDP school curriculum, which envi-
cation, a report on particular national guidance sages the development of the pupils’ compe-
services, comparative tables of neighbouring na- tencies in 4 areas: Self-knowledge and healthy
tional education systems, translations of scientific lifestyle, socio-emotional development, learning
literature and a questionnaire to be used in the management, and career management skills.
counselling process. The guide for teachers is freely available in PDF
format in Romanian language.
On the occasion of its 20 anniversary, the Eu-
roguidance centre Slovakia published a special Euroguidance Netherlands issued a Report on
13 volume of the professional e-journal “Career career guidance in four regional service centres
Guidance in Theory and Practice” in cooperation on education and work, known as “Leerwerk-
with the Czech Euroguidance centre. Articles from loketten”. These are regional alliances between
current and former staff members provided an schools, business/educational and training insti-
overview of the 20 years of the centre’s exis- tutions, business owners/employers and govern-
tence in Slovakia. The issue was special also for ment agencies (municipalities and the UWV). To-
one other reason – it contained a compendium gether, they develop activities, information packs,
of scientific papers from the conference “Career products and services that improve the coordina-
Guidance in a Changing World” held in Prague in tion between educational/training programmes
2017. The e-journal thus featured original texts and the labour market. They also provide indepen-
from some of the most acclaimed international
experts in the field of career guidance such as
Ronald Sultana, Rebeca García-Murias and Peter
Weber. The Euroguidance centre in Slovakia has
been issuing the e-journal since 2012 as the only
periodical issued in Slovakia and Czech Republic in
the field of career guidance and career develop-
Since 2017 a new Counselling and Personal De-
velopment curriculum (CDP) for lower secondary
education has been in place in Romania as tea-
chers and school counsellors need support in de-
signing and implementing activities in the class-
rooms. In 2018, Euroguidance Romania supported
the CDP by validating (collecting feedback and
suggestions from over 50 practitioners during na-