Page 31 - euroguidance-highlights-2020
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The transition of the conference to a digital  throughout the entire process. The variety of the
 mode, required a work of adaptation on the part  different sequences proposed (rhythm, media,    1.7  Network Webinars
 of the organisers. The format and content was  videos, live interventions and recordings) were
 revised. The attention span being not the same  acclaimed and their content was fully satisfactory
 in the virtual space, the conference which was  and adapted to the diversity of guidance profes-
 scheduled over two half-days was shortened to 2  sional participating.
 hours and 30 minutes. The script had to be timed,
 transitions had to be planned, the conference had   This online conference widened the audience and
 gave greater visibility to the communication on the
 to be punctuated with videos and testimonials, live
 and recorded presentations had to be mixed, and   new Europass and skills.
 the audience had to be able to intervene through  It was recorded and can be viewed on the French   Several webinars were organised by the Network throughout 2020 with the aim to introduce new
 chat. Flexibility, imagination and adaptation were  Erasmus+ Agency website.  initiatives, present practices and projects and introduce and discuss important theories relevant to
 essential.      career guidance. Presenters at the webinars were Euroguidance Network members and other guests
 The organizers will reuse video capsules that   from the European (and broader) guidance community. The structure of each webinar was designed
 A satisfaction survey was conducted among par-  have been made in order to make the most of   to be interactive and presentations were followed by open discussions. This also enabled participants
 ticipants. The results showed that 99% found the  the content of this conference and to communi-  to network with colleagues from other countries. The webinars gathered more than 600 practitioners,
 format of the remote conference satisfactory or  cate on specific points. The videos will then be   researchers and other actors involved in career guidance all over the world. Below are two examples.
 even very satisfactory. They remained connected  broadcasted on the sites of the different partners.  All Network webinars are organised by the Euroguidance Network within the scope of the activities
                 of Main Task Group 2 with technical support directly provided by Euroguidance Serbia.
                 All webinars recordings and further details can be accessed at the Euroguidance Network website
                 Webinar Section.

                 ‘Developing Career Guidance              on 25 November 2020 by Euroguidance Romania
                 and Counselling Services Through         with technical support from Euroguidance Serbia.
                 Erasmus+ Projects - Experiences          It  discussed  how  educators  (teachers,  school
                                                          counsellors, and other educational staff in schools)
                 from Practice’                           can support the acquisition of students’ social and
                 On 13  November 2020, we had an opportunity   emotional learning (SEL) so that they are better
                 to hear the experiences from practice and find   prepared for facing changes, developing their ca-
                 out more about developing career guidance and   reer and enhancing personal future goals. The par-
                 counselling services through Erasmus+ projects.   ticipants were approximately 200 career guidance
                 Speakers presented an overview of their projects,   and school counsellors, teachers, decision-makers,
                 how they developed project ideas and established   researchers and other stakeholders, mainly from
                 cooperation with various European partners, as   Europe, but also from Africa, North America and
                 well as answering questions from the audience in   South America. The speakers were Dr. V. Scott H.
                 order to help other career guidance practitioners   Solberg, professor at Boston University Wheelock
                 to get inspired to start their project ideas:  College of Education and Human Development,
                    •  Nevena Rakovska from Bulgaria      United States of America, Dr. Angela Andrei and Dr.
                    Career Skills Project                 Andreea-Diana Scoda, researchers at the National
                    •  Helena Kostalova from the Czech Republic   Centre  for  Policies  and  Evaluation  in  Education,
                    ‘Crucial Impacts’ Project             the Research Unit in Education (NCPEE-RUE),
                    •  Tomáš Šprlák from Slovakia         Bucharest, Romania.
                    Quality implementation in career Guidance   Dr. Solberg presented the findings of the cross-
                    Project                               cultural research programme ‘Connecting Social and
                    •  Vincent Verrydt from Belgium       Emotional Learning to Professional Development for
                    Your career is waiting – get ready! Project  Educators’ (2018-2022) which was acknowledged
                 More information can be found also HERE.  by the  World Education Research Association
                                                          (WERA). It involves universities and research insti-
                 ‘Perspectives in Social and Emotional    tutions from Burkina Faso, China, Finland, Germany,
                 Learning and Career Development:         Greece, Guatemala, Israel, Italy, Japan, Korea, Portu-
                 Innovative Research and Promising        gal, Romania, Singapore, South Africa, Togo, Turkey,
                 Practice’                                Uganda,  and  the  United States of  America.  Dr.
                                                          Solberg stressed the importance of social and
                 The webinar ‘Perspectives in Social and Emotional  emotional skills, important for an individual’s career,
                 Learning  and Career  Development:  Innovative  personal development and contribution to society.
                 Research and Promising Practice’ was organised  He made the translation to practice by presenting

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