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1.8         Online Facts

                                                                                                                                        and Figures

                                                                                                                                        The Euroguidance Website is the main platform by which the Network spreads information and
                                                                                                                                        provides all relevant resources on European guidance and mobility topics. All Euroguidance centres
                                                                                                                                        are responsible for providing content to this website and to disseminate it to the wider guidance
                                                                                                                                        community. Centres often communicate through their national website and social media platforms
                                                                                                                                        which further supports the Network's online presence. During 2020, as stakeholders moved to more
                                                                                                                                        and more remote / online ways of working, the importance of the provision of information in digital
                                                                                                                                        form was an even greater priority for the Network.

                                                                                                                                                       •  Forthcoming events
                         activities that facilitate career readiness, for ex-  Ministry of Education and Research. It responded         In 2020 there were approx. 43,500 visitors to the     •  News
                         ample ‘Describing Yourself’, ‘Starting a Resume’,  to the need to support students in dealing with             website, an increase of 1000 from 2019. Accompa-    •  The ‘Study in’ section
                         ‘Connecting Skills to Careers’.          distance learning in the context of the COVID-19                      nied with the increase in visitors was an increase  The predominant form of traffic to the website
                                                                  pandemic. It contains 132 SEL activities and pro-
                         Dr. Scoda presented the Romanian results of the   grams and 193 worksheets for students from all               in sessions and increase in number of sessions per  was evenly split between direct and organic search
                         cross-cultural research programme and highlighted   education levels. It is the first collection of practices   person. The number of pages viewed decreased by  which accounted for around 41% each, the same
                         the perspectives of Romanian educators on the   of Romanian school counsellors, systematized on                7% and the average session duration decreased by  as in  2019. However there was a large change
                         nature and value of SEL in schools. She analysed   the CASEL framework. Almost all the practices are           10% compared to 2019, indicating that people are  in the proportion of traffic via referrals (which
                         the results of the qualitative research, namely 131   designed and implemented by school counsellors           finding the information they are looking for quicker.  decreased by 24% versus 2019) and increase in
                         codes for Romania that have been defined, exem-  from Romania, adapted to national cultural specif-            The top 5 European countries with most visitors to   traffic via social media (which increased by 91%
                         plified and interpreted in the national context, e.g.:   ics and using local resources. Some of these SEL      the website in 2020 were:                versus 2019).
                         facing career challenges, empathy, collaboration,   practices targeted students from socio-economi-               •  Spain
                         etc. In the next stages of this research project,   cally disadvantaged backgrounds and involved the              •  Italy                              As was already mentioned earlier in this publica-
                         an instrument for measuring SEL self-efficacy and   parents and local community. The guide is divided             •  Sweden                             tion, in February 2020 the Network commenced
                         a professional development platform on SEL for   into three volumes: elementary school, middle                    •  UK                                 sending  a  monthly  Newsletter  to  subscribed
                         educators will be developed.             school and high school and vocational education                          •  and France                         contacts. As of December  2020 there were
                                                                                                                                                                                 approximately 800 subscribers across Europe and
                         Dr. Andrei presented a guide for school counsellors,  and training (VET). All are available in Romanian        The most popular 5 x pages, after the home page,  beyond in receipt of the newsletter. This subscriber
                         developed in 2020, at the request of the Romanian  HERE.                                                       were:                                    database will be expanded through 2021 through
                                                                                                                                           •  International mobility (training opportunities)  promotion of a newly developed subscriber form,
                                                                                                                                           •  National Guidance systems          populated to the front of the Network website.

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