Page 36 - euroguidance-highlights-2020
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2.1         Cross Network                                                                                                                            Helping Career Guidance Counsellors
                                                                                                                                                                                 During the Pandemic
                                                                                                                                                                                 During 2020 the Lithuanian Euroguidance Centre
                         Cooperation                                                                                                                                             concentrated on providing support for career
                                                                                                                                                                                 guidance counsellors, who work in schools. As a
                                                                                                                                                                                 result, two main actions were implemented:
                                                                                                                                                                                 October 2020 - Online seminar ‘From School Chair
                                                                                                                                                                                 to the Job Market: How to Prepare the Students?’
                                                                                                                                                                                 The seminar was organised in a collaboration
                                                                                                                                                                                 with Europass Lithuania and a Lithuanian career
                                                                                                                                                                                 specialists association. More than 200 teachers,
                                                                                                                                                                                 career specialists, social pedagogues and school
                         The Euroguidance network cooperates with other networks such as Europass, Public Employment                                                             psychologists participated in the seminar online.
                         Services (PES), the EQF-NCP, EURES, Eurodesk, NARIC, Europe Direct and Eurydice that all promote                                                        More than 850 viewers watched the video of the
                         tools that support common policy goals on a European level. Using joint efforts and synergies across                                                    conference later.
                         the networks is key to the successful outreach to European citizens. The pandemic struck regular                                                        A ‘professional package’ for career guidance
                         activities in this regard harder than others; as individual networks struggled solely to provide support                                                counselors was sent to approximately 450 gym-
                         to their own direct stakeholders. However, as can be seen from the following examples, successful                                                       nasiums and schools at the end of November. The
                         and compassionate efforts were still made.
                                                                                                                                                                                 package contained a notebook with guidelines for
                                                                                                                                        to all PES staff in order to protect the staff from  career guidance lessons, a table game ‘Professions
                                                                                                                                        COVID-19. This initiative was very much welcomed   Lotto‘ with instructions (created by Euroguidance
                         Austrian Workshop ‘Mobile in Europe’                                                                           by the staff and the management of the PES.  ambassador Virginija Jaruševičiūtė) and a postcard
                         with Euroguidance and Europass                                                                                                                          with a 2021 calendar.
                                                                                                                                        International Cooperation to Promote
                         Euroguidance Austria continued its tradition in                                                                Awareness of Digital Guidance Services
                         contributing to the training of guidance counsel-
                         lors through workshops jointly held with Europass                                                              In 2020 the annual Euroguidance seminar devoted
                         Austria, where prospective counsellors receive                                                                 to supporting career practitioners in Latvian higher
                         information about the benefits of European                                                                     education institutions became virtual, cross-sec-
                         mobility  and  the  opportunities  offered  by the                                                             toral, international and bilingual – all for the first
                         Erasmus+ programme. In May 2020 a ‘Mobile in                                                                   time. The focus of the online meeting was to
                         Europe’ with Euroguidance and Europass workshop                                                                exchange experience in the delivery of remote
                         was provided online via Zoom for students at the                                                               guidance services and to foster awareness among
                         University College for Teacher Education of the                                                                university guidance practitioners of guidance
                         Federal Province Lower Austria, focussing on the                                                               services provided by public employment services.
                         features of the new Europass.                                                                                  Inspired by the German presidency conference on
                                                                                                                                        the future of work and the level of digitization
                         Appreciating the Public Employment                                                                             of German public employment services (PES),
                         Services Work During the COVID-19                                                                              Euroguidance Latvia reached out to Euroguidance
                         Pandemic                                                                                                       Germany to invite presenters – PES colleagues
                                                                                                                                        who  provide guidance for  university  applicants,
                         It is not a surprise that the unemployment figures                                                             students and graduates – to share their working
                         are on the rise in Cyprus due to the  COVID-19                                                                 methods and approaches. The Latvian PES have
                         pandemic and the lockdown measures that were                                                                   also been recognized as a case example in the
                         introduced in March of 2020. Due to the negative                                                               2018  CEDEFOP Handbook of ICT practices for
                         impact that the pandemic had on the Tourism                                                                    Guidance and career development. The Latvian
                         and Entertainment industry in Cyprus, the rise of                                                              PES colleagues explained recent modifications
                         unemployment was imminent. During these hard                                                                   to their services prompted by lockdown. Latvian
                         times the Public Employment Services (PES) were  The Euroguidance Cyprus Centre, wished to show                university colleagues described development of
                         on the front line, trying to help and register record  its appreciation to the hard work that was done by      new practices, including a new online career test,
                         numbers of new jobseekers, trying to find them  the PES counsellors and all the people working at              management of distance workflows, providing vir-
                         work, provide training and other active labour  the PES, trying to help the ever increasing number             tual tours to potential students, involving students
                         measures that were announced by the Cypriot  of unemployed people in Cyprus. In that respect,                  in online mentorships, as well as the development
                         Government as a remedy to the closing down of  Euroguidance Cyprus printed and disseminated a                  of a new career services model in collaboration
                         businesses and of economic activity.     number of reusable face masks and face shields                        with students based on design thinking principles.

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