Page 39 - euroguidance-highlights-2020
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2.2 Professional consulting session through certain questionnaires
and the logical structure that it is recommended
to follow.
Development, Seminars, The last presentation of the day covered the
opportunities for professional development and
modern tools against unemployment.
The second day of the training focussed on pre-
Workshops and Tools senting pragmatic ideas, tools and opportunities to
use a variety of techniques in career counselling.
The third training day began with the presentation
on innovative tools in career guidance. The focus
was on presenting tools and resources to help the
career counsellor, which are developed as products
in projects funded by the Erasmus+ Programme
and other European initiatives.
The last session was titled ‘In the Studio of the
All the Euroguidance centres across Europe take active measures to support the professional devel- Career Counsellor. Exchange of Good Practices -
opment of guidance professionals in their countries. In this chapter, several concrete examples of Career Counsellors Present their Experiences’. It
different types of activities to improve the competences of guidance practitioners are demonstrated. was prepared in advance by the lecturers, who
These activities take many forms such as seminars, conferences, webinars, courses and the devel- encouraged and supported two of the participants
opment and provision of additional tools. to present their experiences in career guidance to
students. The practical experiences presented were
a valuable exchange of ideas.
National Training for Career Round Table ‘Cooperation for Develop-
Counsellors - Latest Trends in ment of Online Career Guidance‘
a European Context On August 27, 2020 Euroguidance Czech Republic
Between the 4 and 6 of November 2020 organized an online round table in partnership with
Euroguidance Bulgaria organised National training the National Guidance Forum. It was a one-day
for career counsellors. Given the epidemiological online event for the community and various stake-
situation, the training was conducted remotely. holders. There were approximately 40 participants.
In total, the training was attended by 73 partic- The areas of debate were: • Feedback from creating a new national tool for
ipants; selected out of 90 people who initially 1. A reflection on current cooperation – regional, supporting online career guidance developed
registered. The training was carried out in strict national, European and online by Euroguidance in cooperation with partners
compliance with the pre-defined and announced 2. The strategy for education policy of the Czech from the wider guidance community
programme. Republic until 2030+, the strategic regional • Regional initiatives, national and ministry level
development projects in the field of guidance initiatives and Czech Guidance Association(s)
At the beginning of the first day there was (ESF), and Erasmus+ cooperation opportunities
a presentation of the possibilities of the new 3. European inspirations for a national online initiatives
Europass platform. Emphasis was placed on the guidance system approach The main debate was focused on a critical reflec-
functionality of the platform for developing a CV tion of the missing national strategy in the field
and cover letter, as well as for searching for jobs As a part of the programme the following were and on improving strategies in cooperation and
and training courses. presented: supporting a better framework for career guidance
• Slovakian national project for the development
It was followed by a presentation on ‘Contem- of guidance services, standards, support and and career education.
porary Challenges in Career Guidance and attention in this session was paid to online career training The next steps will be to give feedback on cur-
Counselling in a European and National Context’. counselling. • Lifelong guidance policy and practice in the EU riculum reform in career education, to improve
The presentation commented on the latest trends study and European Euroguidance webinars framework concepts through the National Guid-
and strategic documents that are directly related to As a logical continuation, new trends in the tool- about online guidance ance Forum supported by Euroguidance, to use the
career guidance and its manifestation as a system box of the career counsellor were presented in the • Tips for online guidance collected from Eurogu- outcomes from an Erasmus+ project focused on
including reference to the European Skills Index, next part of the programme. Emphasis was placed idance national webinars about online tools, quality and standards in guidance and to organise
the European Skills Programme and the European on the transformations of the questionnaires and social networks, and various online guidance a European Guidance Conference in Prague in
Commission's Lifelong Guidance Report. Special their use in the online environment, centering the methodologies November 2021.