Page 44 - euroguidance-highlights-2020
P. 44

These sessions have ignited in our practitioners the  Before the training was given to counsellors,
                         urge to discuss this topic further with others work-  field and questionnaire studies were conducted              2.3         Digital Approaches
                         ing in guidance. We thus urged our practitioners  in provincial directorates and an analysis of
                         to visit the website where they could further read  training needs was similarly conducted. Based
                         articles, commentaries and reflections on guidance  on the results of this training needs analysis,
                         and social justice developed by a group of guid-  an extensive training programme was arranged
                         ance researchers and practitioners.      specifically for the counsellors who mostly en-
                                                                  gage with employers. The training programme
                         Training Programme for Increasing        consisted of different topics, such as teamwork,
                         Counsellor Competence                    communication, planning, customer relationship
                                                                  management (CRM), analysis skills, information                        European countries have been continually discussing online guidance services and how they can be
                         Competence is one of the key elements in                                                                       best applied to providing information, advice and guidance. It is already clear from previous chapters,
                         achieving successful results, especially in the   transfer, problem solving skills, solution-oriented          and those to come, that there was an increased focus on the provision of support by the Network
                                                                  approaches, image management etc. The expected
                         field related to human relations. Individuals’                                                                 and its members remotely / digitally over the course of 2020. In this annual publication we have
                         employment expectation and career goals can be   results of the training are that practitioners will           consistently sought to furnish information with regard innovative ‘digital approaches’ and in this
                                                                  increase their competences and that they will offer
                         extremely varied, depending on their willingness,                                                              edition, naturally, we are placed to provide more examples than ever.
                         relevancy and interest. On the other hand, em-  better services.
                         ployer’s priorities and expectations can also vary.  As a result of the studies on increasing the
                         It is very important to keep in consideration recent  quality of counselling services, it is necessary to      Online Study Visit:                      I learned about different practices being used in
                         developments and future anticipation about the  examine the client’s expectations, labour market               ’Guidance in Belgium, Flanders’          other countries. And I have made new friends
                         labour market in order to give suitable guidance  and sectoral situation. The model of providing                                                        as well. A big thank you.’ (R.F., National School

                         to a client who needs advice from a counsellor.  quality consulting services in accordance with the            Between  the  30  of November and the  4  of  Support Services, Malta)
                                                                  profiles of employers with an approach that takes                     December 2020, 20 guidance professionals from 13
                         Thus, counsellors have a significant impact on                                                                 European countries were hosted by Euroguidance   ‘I learned so much from the presentations and the
                         most of the employers who are looking for   into consideration the characteristics of the labour               Flanders. During the online study visit, participants   participants. Thank you so much for your effort!’
                                                                  market has become an important need.
                         candidates for their job vacancies. In this context,                                                           gained a deeper insight in guidance in Flanders   (A.K., National Office of VET and Adult Learning,
                         it is very important  that  guidance practitioners  After the training needs analysis, extensive train-        and the Brussels Capital Region. The programme   Hungary).
                         have the knowledge of current needs. That is  ing was provided to the employer counsellors                     covered policy and practice in lifelong guidance,
                         why it is important to increase the competence  in February and March  2020. Altogether  100                   with particular attention on inclusion.  ‘I  had  doubts if the study  visit could  be  done
                         of counsellors and to ensure that they have the  employer counsellors from different parts of                                                           online and expected much less than we got, it
                         necessary equipment in working with employers.  Turkey attended the training. The training lasted              During group presentations and other exchanges,   was organized magnificently, and I congratulate on
                         In 2020, Euroguidance Turkey organised training  for 5 days for each group - and 4 weeks in total.             participants had the opportunity to network and   that. It helped me forget about COVID-19 for a few
                         for employer counsellors in order to increase their  An expected result of the training is that it will        get to know each other. New contacts were made,   days and reminded me how much I love what I
                         knowledge and competence, especially in the con-  increase the quality of career guidance services of          networks were  broadened and  seeds  of new   do.’ (M.J., University of Belgrade Centre for Career
                         text of career management and skills assessment.  İŞKUR, the public employment services of Turkey.             collaborations were planted.             Development and Student Counselling, Serbia)
                                                                                                                                        The participants said:                   Digital Guidance in focus
                                                                                                                                        ‘This study visit was very enriching for me as a  The potential of ICT in career guidance has already
                                                                                                                                        career guidance professional. We had the chance  been recognised for a long time. This potential has
                                                                                                                                        to experience different types of learning: PPT’s,  been further highlighted with the onset of the
                                                                                                                                        group presentations, breakout rooms for discussion.  COVID-19 pandemic, making computer-assisted

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