Page 41 - euroguidance-highlights-2020
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The criteria for the assessment are those devel-  professionals need a stronger cooperation within
                 oped in the CWA on European Criteria for Qual-  the guidance community at the local/county
                 ity Internships. The online self-assessment is  level. After organising regional meetings in 2019,
                 available in English, French, Italian, Slovene and  we decided to go a step further - to a county
                 German. Using this tool, the host organisation  level. There are 19 counties in Hungary plus the
                 is invited to answer several questions about its  capital,  Budapest.  The  differences  between  the
                 internship programme. These questions are struc-  counties are quite big. Their target groups have
                 tured around the 8 quality criteria for internships  different aims, motivations and ambitions. In most
                 developed within the SPRINT project as follows:  of the counties career orientation institutions/
                 recruitment, written agreement, remuneration,  organisations work with more or less the same
                 skills development, tutoring, career development  target groups, however professionals have little
                 and employment, work environment and working  information on other players in this field.
                 conditions, social protection and insurance.  In 2020 ‘county level ‘meetings were organised on
                 5.   Training material for university career services  twenty occasions for cooperation in each county
                    staff training: the guide on quality internships  of Hungary, to map the relevant lifelong Guidance
                    and higher education institutions     stakeholders at the local level. The aim of the
                 The objectives of this guide are as follows:  meetings was to generate dialogue, interactivity,
                    •  To raise awareness among the career services  networking and cooperation between the parties
                    of European higher education institutions about   and solicit their needs for cooperation, investigate
                    the concept of ‘quality placements’ and its  ways for cooperation, collect and disseminate
                    relevance for students, host organisations and  already existing good practices and to collect sug-
                    higher education institutions,        gestions for professional improvement. During the
                    •  Provide the necessary tools to communicate  meetings we also initiated the collecting of local
                    information on European criteria for quality  career guidance and counselling events, websites
                    placements.                           of the participants and other useful links.
 SPRINT : Standardize Best PRactices   national legislation and be responsive to all   The quality of traineeships here is considered to  ‘HOPE’ Webinar
 About INTernships  stakeholders’ expectations. In order to guarantee   contribute to the development of solid compe-
 the project success and impact, it was crucial to   tences that enrich the content of CV or Europass   The  International Educational and Vocational
 research the influencing factors in the setting of   profile. It is an additional strengthening asset for   Guidance Association and Euroguidance conducted
 standards – such as legal and national contexts.  future professional integration into the labour   a webinar on November 30 2020 on hope as a
 2.  Criteria for quality internships: CEN WORKSHOP   market throughout Europe.  leading principle in Guidance. The presenters
                                                          were Dr. Norman Amundson and Andrea Fruhling
 SPRINT was a three-year strategic partnership   AGREEMENT (CWA)  ‘County’ meetings for enhanced   from the University of British Columbia and the
 project (2017-2020) that aimed to create a Eu-  The first objective of the SPRINT project was to   cooperation  moderator was Dr. Guðbjörg Vilhjálmsdóttir from
 ropean quality framework for Internships. It was   create a European quality framework for intern-  the University of Iceland. Dóra Stefánsdóttir from
 co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme. Here we,   ships, that would be recognized by all types of   Feedback from historical Euroguidance Hungary   Euroguidance Iceland was her assistant. Amund-
 Euroguidance France, outline the various elements   organizations offering internships. The material   coordinated events has stated that guidance  son and Fruhling have for years used hope as an
 and outputs of the project.   result is the publication of the CWA on European
 Criteria for Quality Internships.
 Seven partner European organisations were
 involved: Université Paul-Valery Montpellier III,   3.   Guide for implementation process of quality
 France (coordinator institution), InternsGoPro ASBL,   internships for host organizations
 Belgium, Association Française de Normalisation   The objective of this guide was to provide useful
 (AFNOR), France, Sindikat studentov, dijakov in   information for successful implementations of the
 mladih brezposelnih (Trade Union Youth Plus),   CWA on European Criteria for Quality Internships.
 Slovenia, UNISER SOC. COOP. ONLUS, Italy, l’asso-  It aimed to empower stakeholders not only with
 ciation européenne d’institutions de l’enseignement   the necessary information about criteria for quality
 supérieur (EURASHE), Belgium, the ADECCO Group,   internships, but also with its concrete application
 Switzerland.  into their organisation.
 Five outputs were pursued and achieved:  4.   Online self-assessment on internships for host
 1.   Research on indicators and standards for  The online self assessment enables host organiza-
 quality internships   tions to test and assess their approach regarding
 The implementation and potential success of this  internships. It also provides them with feedback on
 standard depends on its capacity to adapt to any  their internship programme(s).

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