Page 42 - euroguidance-highlights-2020
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College of Teacher Education in Lower Austria. In
order to understand their architecture and contents
and to conceptualise pilot projects for their imple-
mentation in Luxembourg:
1. The specific University Course ‘Careers Guid-
ance Coordination’, which is designed to train
teachers appointed as CEGS coordinators in
secondary schools.
2. The specific University Course ‘Careers Educa-
tion Teacher‘, which provides training for career
guidance teachers, who teach the careers
education classes in 7 and 8 grades.
In 2020, two important steps of the implemen-
tation process were taken. The international
curriculum ‘Train the Trainer: Careers Education
and Guidance in Schools’ was finalised within equity agenda in their everyday lives at school,
the cooperation on the basis of Austria’s cur- and as citizens.
riculum of ‘Careers Guidance Coordination’. In The first session provided an overview of the main
the autumn/winter term of 2020, the first pilot debates in social justice together with the ways
group of participants from Luxembourg’s schools in which the international community has dealt
started the training provided by Luxembourg’s with these debates. Implications for the design
training institute IFEN (Institut de formation de and delivery of guidance services in our schools,
l’éducation nationale) in cooperation with the were discussed. The second session focused on
University College of Teacher Education in Lower the specific challenges resulting from the COVID-19
Austria and the coordinating body of the Maison situation. The aim was to highlight insights and
de l’orientation - according to the new curriculum. conversations in order to come up with signposts
towards socially just guidance. Professor Sultana
Luxembourg will certainly continue to benefit discussed the five signposts to a socially just
from this cooperation and from the experiences approach to career development. According to
approach for both counselling and coaching, based the CEGS process, the responsible coordinating gained through the participation in Austria’s training Professor Sultana, if career development practi-
on the basic assumption that without hope for a body, Luxembourg’s Maison de l’orientation, aims courses. Beyond the long-term establishment of tioners want to challenge oppression - they need
better future, their clients are not likely to take a to advance fast in developing high quality offers the training course for CEGS coordinators, further to help people realise their dreams and undermine
leap into the unknown. Perhaps this simple notion by drawing from experiences gained in European concepts for other career guidance professionals corrupt systems by:
has never been as important as in the times of the partner countries. Austria’s specific postgraduate in schools – and beyond – will be developed. Im- 1. Building critical consciousness.
COVID-19 crisis. Almost 200 people attended, even university courses for CEGS professionals, which portant gains in quality can be observed, thanks to Help people understand the bigger picture
though the webinar was held late in the evening are part of the IBOBB framework since several European cooperation and Euroguidance support. and not see every problem as their fault and
for Europeans. years, are a special source of inspiration for this On Board the Social Justice Train: responsibility.
An International Curriculum on What Place for Guidance Practitioners? 2. Naming oppression.
Careers Education and Guidance In this context, Euroguidance Luxembourg provid- Training on the topic of career guidance and social Recognize the specific needs of oppressed
in Schools (CEGS) - the Fruit of an ed support and funding enabling one coordinator justice was planned by Euroguidance Malta for groups. Listen to their experiences and help
of the Maison de l’orientation to take part in two
them to identify injustice and inequities in
Austria-Luxembourg Cooperation postgraduate training courses at the University May 2020. Unfortunately, these plans had to be careers.
Within the pilot project ‘University Course Careers changed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Despite 3. Question what is normal.
these setbacks, there could not have been a
Education and Guidance in Schools (CEGS)’, the better context regarding when to hold this type Spend time discussing what people assume to
University College of Teacher Education Lower of training, which we had in mind for so long. be normal and natural in their careers. Consider
Austria and Luxembourg’s Maison de l’orientation Professor Ronald Sultana from the University of where these assumptions come from.
(House of Guidance) developed an international Malta, an international expert in the area, kindly 4. Encourage people to work together.
curriculum on the coordination of careers education adapted the training to accommodate an online Help people to recognize the importance of
and guidance in schools, which is implemented programme. Guidance practitioners were divided cooperation. That collective struggle opens up
with a pilot group of participants from Luxem- into two groups. Whilst one training was held a lot of new opportunities for career develop-
bourg’s schools.
in November 2020 another training session was ment.
Luxembourg is currently enlarging its national offer planned for 2021. The two online sessions were 5. Work at a range of levels.
for professional development and training for guid- set to help practitioners deepen their understand- Recognize that career development is not just
ance professionals inside and outside of schools. ing of approaches to social justice, and reflect on about work with individuals. It also requires
With a view to the importance of staff quality for how their work in our schools can further the intervention into social systems.