Page 47 - euroguidance-highlights-2020
P. 47

It was therefore necessary to adapt to a new  Testimonials from young people reinforced these
                 environment with new constraints.        conferences and gave a touch of authenticity, as
                                                          they generally testify from the place where they
                 Remote conferences require more preparation. The   experience their mobility.
                 sessions need to be more rhythmic and downtime
                 must be avoided.                         Finally, giving conferences at national level allowed
                                                          Euroguidance France to diversify the topics. For ex-
                 It is necessary to seek interaction with the audi-  ample: ‘The Mobility of Students During COVID-19’
                 ence, who must feel engaged and directly involved   or ‘The Mobility of Young People With Disabilities’.
                 in the conference. The use of polls, games and
                 quizzes at the beginning of the session was  The programmes of the video conferences (in
                 therefore interesting - because it allowed users to  French) are HERE.
                 be active from the outset and to feel committed.
                 There is then greater participation and a large   Recordings of the broadcasted video conferences
                                                          are HERE.
                 number of questions in the chat later on.
                 This requires human resources. On average, two   Digital European Conference & Training
                 Euroguidance staff members were mobilised to  Seminar
                 run the conference and another two people to   The  Euroguidance Center of Greece, following
                 manage the questions in the chat. Most of the   the global situation due to the pandemic, decided
                 questions were answered directly, while some   to replace its regular face-to-face training event
                 questions were addressed orally by the speakers.
                                                          for career guidance counselors with a fully-online
 and digital communication using a variety of ICT  a wider geographical distribution of participants,   At a technical level, the video conferences were  European conference & training seminar that took
 tools indispensable. As with many other profes-  increased the use of online and digital tools, as   broadcast on zoom with the connection link ac-  place between the 5  and 6  of December 2020.
 sions, guidance practitioners as well as their end  well as continued levels of satisfaction by Eurogu-  cessible without registration from a specific page   In the post-COVID-19 era, it will be crucial for
 beneficiaries were struck, being forced practically  idance beneficiaries.  of the new Euroguidance France website where   students and graduates to have a thorough
 overnight to turn to digital technologies to continue   the semestrial conference calendar was displayed.   knowledge of the conditions of the labour mar-
 their daily work and study, needing strong and   Impact of COVID-19 on providing   Depending on each video-conference, other tools   ket, the specific characteristics and the required
 targeted support to develop a variety of digital  information about mobility  could be used to animate quizzes, polls or create   skills of professions and jobs, utilizing appropriate
 skills at the same time.   One of the missions of the Euroguidance Network   word clouds. A certain amount of technical agility   sources of information, systematic contacts with
                 is required to run these sessions and the health
 Euroguidance Croatia recognised this opportunity  is to promote international mobility. For several   crisis has had the merit of increasing the skills of   professionals, employers and entrepreneurs and
 to redesign a number of planned in-person ac-  years, each  Euroguidance resource centre in   both professionals and users on these issues.  appropriate tools for job search and transparency
 tivities and training and delivered them as online  France  has been organising conferences on   of qualifications. Thus the title of the conference:
 events. Their content was adjusted to support the  mobility themes such as higher education or   The  video  conferences  were  broadcast  live  on  ‘Preparing Young People for the Continuously
 development of digital competencies of guidance  volunteering, or on specific destinations. These   Euroguidance France's Youtube channel and thus  Changing Labor Market: the Versatile Role of
 practitioners. In addition to debating new and  conferences target high school students, their par-  remain accessible on the channel after the event.  Career Guidance’.
 innovative practices in school guidance delivery,  ents and guidance professionals and regularly bring
 which came as a result of the newly introduced  together between 50 and 150 people - depending
 measures of social distancing and teleworking,  on the topic.
 the main focus of online training was on practices
 using ICT to develop career management skills   More than providing information to the public,
 (such as online diagnostic testing for career choice   these conferences help to create and maintain
 and the new Europass platform), key competences   a network of guidance professionals and experts
 and other skills needed in the current and post-   in specific subjects such as Eurodesk or EDIC. For
 pandemic world of living, working and studying.  example, the conference on higher education in
 Spain is held in partnership with the education
 In 2020 Euroguidance Croatia organised a total of   office of the Spanish embassy. High quality, objec-
 15 large and small online events for counsellors   tive and reliable information is always sought after.
 in primary, secondary and higher education. The
 events were publicized through various online   These conferences, which were traditionally held in
 channels, particularly social networks. A large  school lecture halls, could not be maintained due
 portion of the material later became available  to the health crisis. The natural solution in 2020
 on Youtube. We were happy to note that the  was to offer these events by video conference,
 above-mentioned interventions resulted in an  which made it possible to organise and broadcast
 increased access to education opportunities with  them on a larger scale.

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