Page 52 - euroguidance-highlights-2020
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gro and Serbia for a joint seminar. The aim of this  and define their role in guidance.  Valuing their
                                                                                                                                        event was to exchange experiences and ideas  various experiences and wanting to give space for
                                                                                                                                        about career guidance and to enhance coopera-  questions, the training programme was planned
                                                                                                                                        tion through a series of interactive webinars. An  for small groups. On this occasion, 24 participants
                                                                                                                                        additional goal of the event was to recognise good  successfully completed the training programme
                                                                                                                                        practices in guidance. Therefore there was an open  and reported that the opportunities for integrating
                                                                                                                                        call for speakers who would present their prac-  various knowledge and defining their role as
                                                                                                                                        tices. There were numerous teachers interested  guidance practitioners were the most beneficial
                                                                                                                                        to present and participate in this event. In the  outcomes of the event.  
                                                                                                                                        end, there were 8 presenters and 38 participants   Through transforming events from live to the
                                                                                                                                        selected. Their feedback was that they were very   online we have realised the following:
                                                                                                                                        satisfied with the event and its outcomes. Having     •  Having a virtual space for the meeting helps
                                                                                                                                        the joint place for all participants on the learning   participants to focus and interact. It also helps,
                                                                                                                                        platform gave them the opportunity to discuss the   if there is an opportunity, to do so in various
                                                                                                                                        challenges and directions for further development   ways; personal messages, forum discussions,
                                                                                                                                        of activities and different ways of cooperation on   etc.
                                                                                                                                        both national and European level.           •  Group work and interactive exercises take
                                                                                                                                        During  2020  Euroguidance Serbia introduced   longer when conducted online.
                                                                                                                                        another training programme in addition to those     •  Time for reflection and integration of the
                                                                                                                                        that have been organised for several years. This   content is important. Therefore, we planned
                                                                                                                                        one specifically targets youth workers. ‘Improving   shorter sessions during a few days and
                                                                                                                                        the Competencies of Youth Workers for Planning   follow-up materials and discussions on the
                                                                                                                                        and Carrying Out Career Guidance and Counselling   learning platform. This allowed participants to
                                                                                                                                        Activities and Services’ is an online programme     •  catch up with content and to reflect on it.
                                                                                                                                                                                    Online training sessions require more prepa-
                         the Netherlands and how we, as the Euroguidance  the crisis started and took the initiative to search          aiming to introduce important concepts, terms and   ration time and clear focus when it comes to
                         centre, try to respond to it.            for different opportunities himself. This resulted in                 stakeholders in the field of career guidance as well   content.
                                                                  a successful trajectory and he is now studying to                     as clarify the roles of youth workers as career
                         Objective of the scheme                  work in mental healthcare. Even though the offer                      practitioners. The event was organised between  These experiences helped us realise that there are
                         The NL scheme aims to support employees and   was created in response to the crisis, it goes far               August 24-30 as a series of interactive webinars.  many ways for achieving set goals. Some of those
                         jobseekers to remain or become attractive within   beyond that and gives a boost to lifelong devel-            The webinars included discussions and group work  ways will certainly be an inspiration for ensuing
                         the labour market in these times during which   opment and guidance.                                           aiming to help participants share their experiences  activities.
                         many jobs are disappearing due to COVID-19 and
                         changing due to digitalisation and remote working.  Thanks to ‘NL Continues to Learn’ and other
                         The scheme is funded by the Ministry of Social  crisis measures, career guidance has received an
                         Affairs and Employment.                  enormous boost. The risks, however, are fragmen-
                                                                  tation, the speed with which things are set up and
                         A guidance professional helps people with their   the short-term perspective. How do we use the
                         personal development by discussing their qualities,   current energy and initiatives for the future? As
                         needs and concerns, and providing tailored devel-  Euroguidance Netherlands, we try to contribute
                         opment advice. This advice shows where their   to strengthening and securing initiatives for the
                         chances on the job market lie, where they can   future, both by sharing examples from other coun-
                         still develop and how they can keep their work   tries and by bringing people together. For example,
                         interesting and pleasant for them.       by working on an ambition paper – together with
                         No fewer than 22,000 people took advantage of  a team of experts – on a national career guidance
                         the development advice trajectory in the autumn  structure and by making information available
                         of 2020. 50,000 development advice trajectories  about how other countries design a one-stop shop
                         that became available on December 1  were filled  or how in other countries e-guidance support is
                         within 24 hours.                         linked to a training portal or individual learning
                         Success stories
                         Various success stories had already emerged from  From Live to Online Events:
                         the first batch. Such as the 27-year old woman   Experiences from Euroguidance
                         who used to work in the event industry, but un-  Centres in Serbia and Montenegro
                         expectedly discovered that her heart belonged to a
                         sector where there are big shortages - education.  During the last week of May, Euroguidance Serbia
                         Or the  52-year old man who used to cater at  and Euroguidance Montenegro gathered teachers
                         Schiphol Airport, but felt dark clouds coming when  from primary and secondary schools in Montene-

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