Page 57 - euroguidance-highlights-2020
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(v) Student awareness of the benefits of studying  locate quality resources and tools developed by
 IMPACT OF COMPLETING EURO QUEST  abroad for a period and motivation to do so.  the European Euroguidance Network.
                 When asked if they would recommend the re-  A total of  28 EMAs successfully completed the
 If you wanted to study abroad, would
 you know where to find information?  source to fellow students, over 85% responded  training. They not only showed great interest,
 Have you heard of the phrase  that they would or maybe would recommend the  but also high satisfaction. Each participant was
 educational mobilty?  resource. Although there is always room for further  awarded a ‘Knowledge Open Badge’, thus making
 Have you heard of  ‘Erasmus’
 or  ‘Erasmus plus’?  development  and  improvement,  it  is  clear  that  the acquired learning transparent to the wider
 Do you know you can you use qualifications that  Euro-quest is achieving its aims and meeting the  public.
 you earn in Ireland in other European countries?
 Do you know of any EU financial supports / grants  outlined learning outcomes, which is great to see!
 that are avaliable to help students study in Europe?     What’s next? In the next workplan Euroguidance
 Do you know of any University, PLC Course or  More information HERE.  Italy is planning to extend the training to practi-
 Apprenticeship which offer the opportunity to...         tioners in more sectors of the Lifelong Guidance
 Have you considered the idea of doing a short-term  ‘Mobility Opportunities for Learning
 language exchange during your school holidays or have...   (LLG) Cycle relying on its national network.
 Have you ever considered studying /  and Job Purposes in Europe’ Training
 training / doing an apprenticeship abroad?               Mobility Guidance Counselling
 0%  10%  20%  30%  40%  50%  60%  70%  80%  90% 100%  Package  for Young People
 After completing Euro Quest  Before completing Euro Quest  Following the first innovative blended training
                 package for Eurodesk Mobility Advisors (EMAs),   The Slovak Euroguidance Centre published a new
                 due to the COVID-19 disruption, in November 2020   methodological handbook in December 2020. Its
 As of December 2020, over 1,600 students from all  It  is  clear  from  the  chart  above  that  there  is   the Euroguidance Italy merged and delivered two   author Maja Jaššová summed up her rich expe-
 over Ireland had registered to take part, providing  currently a deficit in Ireland in the knowledge   originally planned editions entirely online. The   rience working with young people in the field of
 invaluable insights into:  students have regarding  mobility opportunities.   objective was to meet the upskilling needs of the   international mobilities. The handbook builds up
   •  their current knowledge and interest regarding  It is then evident that the completion of the Eu-  Italian EMAs.  on the previous two publications - ‘Marco Polo’s
 European mobility opportunities.  ro-Quest programme has had a positive impact on:  The training package was designed to better equip   Compass’ (2015) and ‘Open to the World’ (2016),
   •  the benefits and challenges they see to en-  (i)  Students’ knowledge of Europe, European citi-  EMAs in promoting the European tools for trans-  in which studying abroad was analysed from
 gaging in a mobility experience of their own   zenship and the mobility opportunities available   parency while, at the same time, increasing their   different perspectives. The handbook is meant
 and  in both Ireland and Europe.                         primarily for mobility counsellors working with
   •  what they learnt because of completing the   (ii) Student awareness of the supports available to   knowledge of international learning and mobility   young people, for whom international mobility
 Euro-Quest modules  them when it comes to mobility.      could be an interesting opportunity on the way
 To gauge students’ current level of knowledge   (iii) Students’ knowledge regarding the transferabil-  To this end, senior officials from the Erasmus+   to adulthood.
 and interest in studying abroad and ascertain the   ity of skills and qualifications across Europe.  National Agencies, European Qualifications   The publication starts with the theoretical back-
                 Framework (EQF) and EUP NCPs, EURES and ESC
 impact that the Euro-Quest programme has on  (iv) The development of the key skills of research-  ground defending the importance of staying abroad
 these factors, a series of pre- and post- questions   ing, communication and presenting future   Teams, developed ad hoc video content, and   as well as the importance of mobility guidance
 were asked.  aspirations.  updated EMAs on the  2021-2027 programme   support. It also contains a practical section consist-
                 period developments. Following up on the  2019   ing of activities and exercises that can be used for
                 edition participants feedback, the package included   mobility training. The activities cover topics such
                 a module on recognition of qualifications.  as the development of intercultural competencies,
                 The training provided both an updated picture on   coping with difficult situations, working on goals
                 the European transparency tools, including their   and the overall concept of mobility guidance.
                 implications for practitioners, and an overview on
                 international mobility opportunities for different
                 beneficiaries (youth, students, unemployed,
                 teachers), thus providing food for thought when
                 co-designing effective mobility pathways.
                 The training provided video and open learning
                 resources  (handouts,  thematic  insights,  video
                 tutorials, webinars, etc.) on EU transparency tools
                 and relevant mobility programmes. Active partici-
                 pation was encouraged and a final online session
                 was held with Euroguidance staff aimed at gaining
                 feedback and suggestions for forthcoming editions.
                 As a result, participants acquired an updated over-
                 view of programmes and tools for practitioners
                 and beneficiaries and became better equipped
                 to identify and recommend appropriate resources
                 for learning mobility for different users, as well as

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