Page 58 - euroguidance-highlights-2020
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For each activity, the information on the target  coordinators and the guidance practitioners was
                         group and the type of mobility the activity is  considered fruitful.                                              2.5         Conferences,
                         meant for are provided. Time requirements, goals   Overwhelmingly positive feedback
                         of the activity, necessary material and teaching aids
                         are also specified. Readers can count on detailed   All participants answered yes to the question of
                                                                  whether or not their expectations of the course
                         descriptions of the individual activities and recom-                                                           Fairs and Recognition
                         mendations on how to do the reflection. Work-  were met. They were also asked what they would
                         sheets complementing the exercises are included.  bring with them into their work and here are a
                                                                  few examples:
                         Although the methodological handbook primarily  •   ”I have learned a lot more and I have been
                         aims to help Slovak mobility counsellors prepare   inspired and encouraged to pursue the guid-                 Events
                         young people for their stays abroad, it can serve   ance work on another level. Thanks to the
                         to broaden the audience as well. The publication   course, I and my colleagues have discussed
                         can be of help to everyone else interested in   much more about the exchanges and how we
                         developing intercultural competencies, learning   should work. The part about planning ahead
                         about their coping strategies and to those who   was the icing on the cake and will be used
                         are interested in developing their skills for the   and developed within our work!“
                         labour market. You can find the methodological  •   ”The course has given me time to reflect on
                         handbook HERE.                             my work, instead of just running it on a routine
                                                                    basis. It has also given me good material and                       Every year international seminars, conferences, fairs and recognition events are organised by national
                         Greater Demands for Online                 information which I can use in my continued                         Euroguidance Centres. These events bring guidance experts together from abroad and are an attractive
                         Competence Development – Distance          guidance work.“                                                     way to support cross border knowledge sharing and active networking. Often those guidance pro-
                         Courses for Guidance Professionals          •  ”I have gained a better overall picture of                      fessionals who participate in these events are also looking for new potential partners for EU-funded
                                                                    international guidance and above all what                           project cooperation and to explore possibilities to go on study visits to other countries. Again, given
                         The ongoing pandemic has led more people to   can benefit the individual student after an                      the COVID-19 pandemic, many of these planned for 2020 had to be cancelled or postponed, however
                         invest in their own skills development, as a result   exchange and what phases he/she goes                     we are proud that so many were subsequently facilitated remotely, with Euroguidance members
                         of working from home. For several years Eurogu-  through. I look forward to continued work on                  again coordinating and in attendance.
                         idance Sweden has offered online courses on the   internationalisation! So fun!“
                         international dimension in guidance, for counsellors
                         and international coordinators at Higher Education  Knowledge progression                                      Euroguidance Conference 2020 &
                         Institutions.  2020 was no exception, but the  To be able to measure the knowledge progression
                         number of applicants was at all time high, which  throughout  the courses,  a  self-evaluation  was            Austrian Europass Portal Launch
                         made us offer an extra training opportunity during  included before and after. The results show a              The Austrian national  Euroguidance  conference
                         the spring.                              clear movement from rather low rates before the                       2020 ‘Guidance Matters’ took place on the 12  of
                                                                  course to higher rated knowledge afterwards in
                         Mobility for career management           the following areas:                                                  November 2020 - online for the first time.
                         Each of the courses comprised a six-week period.     •  Knowledge about how mobility can contribute            More than 100 participants from over 20 countries
                         50 participants spent 2-3 hours per week learning                                                              discussed the role and opportunities of career
                         more about prerequisites and support for students     •  to people's skills development;                       guidance in the wake of the current COVID-19
                                                                    Knowledge of existing opportunities for study
                         before, during and after a period of studies or                                                                pandemic.
                         practical training abroad. The courses focus on     •  and work in another country;
                                                                    Knowledge of the potential of guidance to
                         international learning mobility as a tool for devel-                                                           The morning session was dedicated to the Austri-
                         oping career management skills. It provides the   increase mobility and raise the quality for the              an Europass portal launch, with a key-note speech
                         participants with knowledge on how to motivate                                                                 by Koen Nomden, European Commission / DG
                         the students to take part and enhances an under-                                                               Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, on ‘The
                         standing of how formal and informal competences                                                                European Skills Agenda and the new Europass:
                         can be evaluated and recognised after a period of                                                              Tools for a Changed Labour Market’.
                         learning mobility.
                         Flexibility and exchange is the key                                                                                                                     The afternoon was devoted to the main Eurogu-
                         In  the  evaluations  of  the  course,  participants                                                                                                    idance conference and featured the key-note
                         pointed out that the flexibility of the course is                                                                                                       contribution ‘A Global Pandemic and its Aftermath.
                         a key condition to be able to participate. Here                                                                                                         The Way Forward for Career Guidance’ by Tristram
                         the distance format as well as the possibility to                                                                                                       Hooley, Professor of Career Education at the Uni-
                         make choices throughout the course on which                                                                                                             versity of Derby, as well as 5 parallel discussion
                         parts to dig deeper into were mentioned. Another                                                                                                        workshops on ‘Europass - Take the Next Step’,
                         appreciated circumstance is the exchange with                                                                                                           guidance recognition, career management skills as
                         other participants. Good practices were shared                                                                                                          a key for lifelong guidance, the eGuidance system
                         and communication between the international                                                                                                             in Denmark and the ‘Career Roundabout’ approach.

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