Page 63 - euroguidance-highlights-2020
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Nevertheless, Latvian award-winning practices
                 were presented online during national awards
                 conferences in Hungary and Czech Republic in
                 November 2020 (see previous article).
                 In a continuing spirit of synergy, input from the
                 Latvian National Career Guidance Awards compe-
                 tition was provided by Euroguidance Latvia for a
                 compendium of all award-winning contributions
                 from the National Career Guidance Awards in
                 Europe. By increasing the visibility of career guid-
                 ance and recognising professional contributions, we
                 can enhance the professional identity of guidance   lecture 'Guidance in a Global World – Understanding
                 practitioners and foster their competence building.
                                                          the Individual as a Holistic Whole' that is available
                 Celebrating 20 years in                  to view HERE.
                 the Euroguidance family                  Euroguidance Slovenia included several national
                                                          stakeholders as active presenting experts in the
                 Euroguidance Slovenia, positioned in the Em-
                 ployment Service of Slovenia, organised an online   conference, including representation of the Eu-
                                                          ropean Commission in Slovenia, the Employment
                 conference for guidance practitioners and policy
                 stakeholders on the  5  of November  2020 to   Service of Slovenia (project service development
                                                          of lifelong career guidance and further strength-
                 celebrate  20 years of Slovenian participation in
                 the Euroguidance Network.                ening of national coordination point for lifelong
                                                          career guidance' and EURES Slovenia's national
 Additional articles on ‘Green Guidance’ are con-  The international plenary speaker was Dr. Mika  mobility scheme) and the  Institute of the Republic
 tained in Euroguidance Ireland / NCGE’s recent   Launikari from Laurea University of Applied Sci-  of Slovenia for Vocational Education and Training
 ‘Guidance  Matters’  publication.  This  can  be   ences in Finland, who provided a very interesting  (Europass Slovenia and NCP EQF Slovenia).
 accessed HERE.
 Expanding and Digitising the National
 Career Guidance Awards Process

 Following a successful experience in 2019, Eurogu-
 idance Latvia organised a National Career Guid-
 ance Awards competition for the second time in
 2020. The scope of the 2020 awards competition
 was expanded by addressing not only the school
 and vocational education sector, but also higher
 education, the public employment service, and
 private guidance service providers.
 An updated electronic application form was
 designed allowing contestants to nominate them-
 selves with respect to the three main components
   •  Goal 8. Promote sustained, inclusive and sus-  of the Latvian national guidance system, namely,
 tainable economic growth, full and productive   (i) careers information, (ii) careers education and
 employment and decent work for all.
 (iii)  career  counselling.  Submitted  applications
 It was clear from participant input that the em-  were evaluated against the criteria: significance
 powerment that impartial coordinated and inte-  of practice, innovation, and impact.
 grated guidance delivers has a key role to play in   The selection panel was nominated by the
 the development, promotion and achievement of   Latvian National Guidance Forum from among
 both the individual and the collective along a sus-  their members, thus providing high-level expertise
 tainable life journey. As a result, guidance should   for assessing the achievements of contestants.
 be at the forefront of supporting the achievement   The award winners were announced online in
 of these ambitious sustainable development goals.
 November 2020, yet due to COVID-19 restrictions,
 A recording of the forum and the summary report  the awards ceremony was postponed along with
 can be accessed HERE.   the IAEVG Riga International conference to 2021.

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