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6  European Conference on    International Conference:    Theme 4: Exploring the opportunities of the field
 Counselling and Vocational Training  Career Guidance and Education    of work and the role of employers in
 in the World Upside Down                                         developing career development compe-
 ”The changes anticipated in the near future in the               tencies
 field of labour will be dramatic and we must pre-  The international online conference was co-
 pare appropriately to address them“, emphasized   organized by Euroguidance Czech Republic and   The aim of the conference organisers was to
 Mr Alexandros Alexandrou, the Director of Labour  the University of Life Sciences Prague. The main   support a substantive discussion on the current
                                                          state of the career guidance system in Estonia.
 (Ministry of Labour, Welfare and Social Insurance)  goal was to support the professional field of career
 at the opening of the 6  European Conference   guidance and the research in the field, to enrich   Including what are the needs and roles of the
 on Counselling and Vocational Training 2020. The   the public dialogue, and to promote the diversity   decision makers and practitioners and taking into
 conference titled ‘Life-Long Career Counselling as a   of guidance services. The topic of the conference   consideration the implementation of Estonia's 2035
 Superpower in the Development of a Person’ took   was ‘Career Guidance and Education’. Given the   education and youth work strategies.
 place on January 24, 2020 at the premises of the   changing situation in which the labour market was   Videos of the conference are available HERE.
 University of Nicosia.  and still is, new possibilities of work and educa-
 The Conference, which has become a yearly event,   tion options appear. Career guidance and career   The first day focused on international experts and   National Forum on Guidance (Ireland)
 was organized by the University of Nicosia, in col-  education play an important role for a society   discussions about our strategic choices in Estonia.   In October 2020, Euroguidance Ireland, through
 laboration with the Ministry of Education, Culture,   affected by the pandemic. During two conference   The second day was all about practical sessions.   the Irish National Centre for Guidance in Education
 Sport and Youth: the National Forum for Lifelong   days the career guidance practitioners focused on   The conference had practitioners and experts both   (NCGE) facilitated a forum on the theme of ‘An
 Guidance and Euroguidance Cyprus.  these issues.   from Estonia and the OECD, Austria, Malta, Finland   initial investigation into what is the role of Lifelong
 ”The ever-changing labour market requires workers   The debate started with a panel discussion ‘Do   and Slovakia sharing their experiences.   Guidance in promoting Sustainable Development
                                                          and Change’. Over 130 participants were in atten-
 to constantly change, evolve and grow in the work   We Need to Reinvent Career Guidance in the Light   Within the framework of the conference, the par-  dance virtually, representing a broad spectrum of
 environment. It makes counselling and support for   of the Pandemic?’ which reflected on the current   ticipants had the opportunity to actively participate  guidance provision in Ireland and internationally.
 young people necessary and imperative,“ said Dr.   changes, chances and obstacles that guidance   in shaping the future plans of career services and  Through the adoption of this theme Euroguidance
 Kyprianos D. Louis, the national Head of Secondary   faces. The discussion continued with a reflection   to create connections with their daily work in the  Ireland sought to introduce and discuss the concept
 Education. Dr. Louis added that stakeholders and   from the side of guidance with contributions from   provision of services.  of the relevancy of guidance to the implementa-
 professionals working with youth must emphasize   organisations such as IAEVG, UNESCO and Eurogu-  tion of the UN Sustainable Development Goals, in
 the ever-changing future labour market, while   idance itself. There was also a reflection on the   Four main themes emerged:   particular…
 relevant services must coordinate and cooperate in   labour market and employers, as well as recent   Theme 1: Integrated career services system and
 order to enable sustainability in the development   studies from the field of guidance. An important   cooperation;    •  Goal 4. Ensure inclusive and equitable quality
 of a person.  part of the conference was the Czech National   Theme 2: Developing career development compe-  education and promote lifelong learning op-
 Career Guidance Awards  2020 ceremony and   tencies in the education system  portunities for all.
 Keynote speakers at the Conference were Ms.  the presentations of awarded guidance practices.   Theme 3: Continuing training for careers practi-    •  Goal 5. Achieve gender equality and empower
 Jennifer McKenzie, Director of the National Center  Discussion and presentations continued the next   tioners and educators  all women and girls.
 for Guidance in Education (NCGE) in Ireland on  day with parallel sessions on various topics, for
 ‘The Irish Example - The Significance of career  example green guidance and social justice,
 guidance  in  Ireland  in  the  Context  of  Lifelong  methods and tools used in guidance, systems of
 Learning’ and Ms. Helen Papastefanou, Inspector  guidance and many others. You can see the videos
 of Counselling and Vocational Secondary Education,  and look at the presentations from the conference
 on the subject ‘Lifelong Counselling Career as a  in English HERE.
 Superpower in the Development of the Individual’.
 ‘Bold Jump into the unknown?’
 The conference was attended by  120 guidance
 and employment counsellors and other relevant  The conference entitled ‘Bold Jump into the
 professionals.  Unknown?’ took place in January 2020 in Estonia
 with  130 practitioners and policy makers and
 almost  450 additional online participants from
 both Estonia and abroad. Sharing and learning in
 this blended format was an efficient initiative for
 all participants. It was a learning experience for
 Euroguidance Estonia and its partners on how to
 organise a hybrid event already before COVID-19
 when online events became a reality for many.
 The conference theme was built around the central
 question - how to best support students in  a
 changed situation and prepare them for lifelong
 learning and entering the labour market?

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