Page 68 - euroguidance-highlights-2020
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Close Cooperation with the National of participants was done in cooperation with the
Association of Guidance Counsellors Association and joint introduction meetings were
organised for the chosen participants. Due to the
Over the years Euroguidance Sweden has COVID-19 pandemic all study visits were cancelled
developed a close and regular cooperation with in 2020, but the plans are to continue the cooper-
the National Association of Guidance Counsellors. ation in the coming years.
This benefits the Euroguidance centre in many
different ways. The most recent achievement is At the annual national conferences of the Asso-
the appointment as ‘National Correspondent’ for ciation, Euroguidance Sweden has been invited
the International Association for Educational and on several occasions to offer presentations and
Vocational Guidance (IAEVG), on behalf of the arrange seminars, sometimes together with
Association. This means that Euroguidance Sweden other Euroguidance countries. From time to time,
will be the spokesperson for the Association in Euroguidance Sweden has also participated with an
relation to IAEVG, which will give a good insight exhibition table, to disseminate information to the
into the most central guidance related issues on approx. 250 participating guidance practitioners,
a national level. who mostly work within the school and adult
education sectors. In 2020, the conference was
The Association publishes a quarterly journal called offered as a virtual event.
Vägledaren (Guidance Counsellor). It is sent directly
to members and has about 2000 subscribers. Here In a peer review that was arranged during the
Euroguidance Sweden contributes with a regular year, together with the Euroguidance centres in
article titled ‘International Outlook’, where we Norway and Denmark (see previous chapter)
distribute information from the European level on Euroguidance Sweden invited a representative
relevant developments in lifelong guidance and from the Association to find out how they view
learning mobility to Swedish guidance practitioners. the existing collaboration. In general, the feedback
The journal is also a good channel for advertise- was very positive and among other things, the
ments. Association pointed out the large increase in the
number of applicants for the Academia exchange,
To maintain exchange opportunities for guidance as a success factor. As a call for the future, the
practitioners during a time when it was hard for Association wanted Euroguidance Sweden to
them to find funding through other European increase the efforts to find opportunities for in-
funding sources, Euroguidance Sweden stepped ternational exchange and cooperation for Swedish
in to finance Academia study visits for Swedish guidance practitioners, especially in relation to
practitioners. The preparation work and recruitment participation in international guidance conferences.