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2.4  Developing

 Mobility for Specific

 Target Groups

 Euroguidance Centres often address and support specific target groups within their national activities.
 In this chapter, you can read several articles pertaining to projects working with students/clients and
 counsellors on the topic of educational mobility.

 New Guidance Tool: ‘Learning Abroad   a brochure ‘What’s After Secondary Education?’
 and Across the Language Borders’  through writing articles on studying and working
 abroad. The new tool was sent out in autumn
 2020 to every school guidance centre in Flanders
 and Brussels in tandem with the 2020 edition of
 ‘What’s After Secondary Education?’.
 Following this phase, we held two Euroguidance   for groups of different sizes. Learners can range  and  for  introspection.  There are  a  total  of  25
 COVID-19 certainly did not bring  Euroguidance   th  th  from a few people to several dozen. The material  different ‘Path to the World’ cards to celebrate
 Belgium (Flanders) to a standstill. We are proud   webinars (October  13  and  14 ) for guidance   contains all the information the guidance profes-  the 25  anniversary of the Finnish Euroguidance
 professionals working with pupils in secondary
 of what we achieved in circumstances that were   sional needs. The functional tasks are recorded in  Center (2020).
 far from ideal. One of our 2020 achievements is   education. During the webinars, participants   the material along with instructions.
 discovered the new tool and how to use it, as
 the development of the new tool ‘Learning Abroad   well as actual opportunities for learning abroad and   ‘10 steps to internationalisation’ – A Guide for
 and Across the Language Border’ for guidance   across the language border. Participants welcomed   Group guidance materials can be used to pres-  youth information, counselling and guidance
 practitioners working with pupils in secondary   the tool and indicated that it is ”good to have an   ent the concept of internationality and different  professionals’ was jointly produced by Eurodesk,
 education.  overview to fall back on“. Both webinars were free   options for international mobility, as well as to  Euroguidance and One-Stop Center Lahti. This
                 inspire the acquisition of international expertise.  short and easy guide can be used as a first step
 Fully  COVID-19-proof,  we  worked  with  several  of charge. In 2021 we will continue to promote the   There is a wide range of information covering  in all kinds of guidance work related to interna-
 students, guidance counsellors and teachers to   tool and support guidance practitioners in mobility   short international camps in Finland to completing  tionalisation.
 develop a relevant and clear overview of the pos-  guidance.  an entire degree abroad.  At the moment the tools are in Finnish language
 sibilities for learning mobility abroad and across the   New Guidance Tools for Counsellors   on the website of Euroguidance Finland. In 2021
 language borders within Belgium. In collaboration   A printable checklist for the outbound traveler is   some of them will be translated into English and
 with these guidance practitioners, we also included   and Students  useful for both the guidance professional and the   Swedish.
 some tips and recommendations to support the   Euroguidance Finland published a set of new   traveler. In addition, there is a task focusing on the
 mobility guidance process.  tools in 2020 to support practical guidance work   goals of going abroad and on the strengths of the   ‘Euro-Quest’: Online Mobility
                 individual, as well as a task that helps to identify
 Euroguidance Flanders cooperates with the De-  related to the themes of internationalisation.   any skills accumulated abroad.  Programme for Schools
 partment of Education and Training on a regular   These new  tools are suitable for all guidance   Developed by Euroguidance Ireland and formally
 basis. For example, we manage the stand ‘Study-  professionals. One doesn't need to be an expert   Individual guidance materials are suitable for use   launched in  2020, Euro-Quest is a free-to-use
 ing abroad’ during the Student Information Days   in internationalisation. The materials have been   with different ages and can be applied to different   online programme for Irish secondary schools
 (SID-Ins) which are hosted by the Department   made easy-to-use.  life situations.  promoting educational mobility. This programme
 of Education and Training. We contribute to the  Group guidance material has been made for three   The new material also includes ‘Path to the World’  is designed to be integrated into the Irish Transition
 preparation process of the SID-Ins, as well as  different target groups: those in the last grades of   cards. The cards can be used in a variety of ways.  Year (TY) curriculum through guidance and to link
 the follow-up and future development of the  primary school, high school students and students   They can be used as a tool for planning international  with other subjects using Europe as the common

 fairs.  Euroguidance  Flanders  also contributes  to  in vocational education. The material is suitable   adventures, expressing emotions, setting goals,  theme.

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