Page 51 - euroguidance-highlights-2020
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‘Career Code’. Video content such as advice on  the information has been organised according to
 how to find yourself while you are at school, how  questions that users generally ask.
 to complete your CV, and how to prepare for your
 first job interview as well as video blogs about   The aim remains to guide users to more detailed
 information in line with their needs. The structure
 unique and different professions were created and
 shared through the channel. A paid ads campaign   was based on four main pillars: studying, work-
 ing, career change, help and support. Each pillar
 was implemented with the goal to reach not less
 than 100 000 viewers. At the end of 2020, the   contains thematic pages and offers additional in-
 formation through links, reading recommendations,
 content of ‘Career Code’ had been watched by
 approximately 330 000 viewers.  documents or contacts.
 Regarding information on mobility opportunities,
 A New Guidance Internet Portal    in accordance with the Euroguidance mission,
 in Luxembourg  the choice was made to insert it directly into the
 The Maison de l’orientation (House of Guidance)   thematic articles responding to the question ”Do
 created in 2012 in Luxembourg is a one-stop shop   you also want to do it abroad?“. Depending on
 for citizens bringing together actors from education   their needs, citizens thus have the opportunity to
 and employment. The Maison de l’orientation is   discover that their project can also be carried out
 in charge for the execution of the Euroguidance   across borders, thanks to numerous European and
 programme, together with the Erasmus+ National   international programmes and projects.
 Agency in Luxembourg (Anefore), in charge of the  Since the language question is a determining factor
 administrative and financial aspects of Euroguid-  in Luxembourg, the virtual platform was created
 ance Luxembourg.  in French and in German. Parts of it will likely   A number of outcomes resulted from these  was a unique year as entry requirements set by
                 sessions. The response from students indicated  these institutions were being amended regularly
 This face-to-face advice and support was recently   also be translated in Luxembourgish, English and   that this service was really needed. In particular,  due to the pandemic. The main aim was to create
 expanded with parallel virtual support. In 2020 all   Portuguese.  students mentioned that the ever-changing situ-  infographics easily understood by all students.
 guidance related information was brought together   Career Guidance Provision in    ation regarding examinations was overwhelming  The educators involved created resources both in
 on one single newly created internet portal. Nu-  Malta During the Pandemic  and created stress. Additionally, students were also  Maltese and English and tried to keep the infor-
 merous collaborations and synergies have been   concerned about entry requirements to post-sec-  mation as simple as possible. Furthermore, they
 developed with other administrations and external  The year  2020 was very unique due to the   ondary institutions. These online sessions not only  also created an audio version of all infographics in
 partners in Luxembourg.   COVID-19 pandemic. In March all schools were   meant to provide career information, but also  order to reach out to more students. They strived
 closed, and all educators had to resort to remote
 There are multiple purposes to this portal. The   teaching. During these particular circumstances,   focused on understanding the students’ concerns,  to create appealing and easily understood material.
 virtual one-stop-shop was created to support   and proved useful in putting parents’ minds at rest.  Schools would then upload these resources to their
 citizens in their lifelong educational and career   the National School Support Services (NSSS), the   Although in general this experience was very   Facebook pages or send them by email to their
 entity responsible for overseeing career guidance
 choices. It aims to actively promote the guidance   positive, there were some difficulties. Poor   students. All infographics were also uploaded on
 services and measures offered by public and pri-  in  state  schools,  felt  the  need  to  offer  career   internet connection was a challenge. The career   the Euroguidance Malta Centre website.
 guidance services to year  11 students through
 vate actors by making their services more visible   practitioners involved relied heavily on their  This experience paved the way to create more
 and coordinated.  online one-on-one sessions. This particular year
 group was targeted as these students were facing   listening skills and were challenged to keep up   similar online resources, which will be needed for
 The approach taken in setting up the website  an important transition towards post-secondary   with the non-verbals of clients from the screen.   the months to come since the COVID-19 pandemic
 was to provide answers to citizens’ needs rather  education and/or employment, and could not be   At times, they had sessions with both parent and   is still present. The respective precautions stress
 than a list of available services. As far as possible,  left on their own.  student simultaneously. This had positive aspects   the need for more online communication with our
                 whereby they could pass on the same information   students and their parents.
                 to both. On the other hand, some students did
                 not feel comfortable discussing with their parents  ‘NL Continues to Learn’
                 overhearing, and at times taking over the session.
                                                          As  Euroguidance Netherlands,  we  are  strongly
                 Through this experience the career guidance prac-  committed to strengthening policy insights. In 2020
                 titioners had the opportunity to get out of their  the Government invested heavily in crisis services:
                 comfort zone and explore new ways of working  services to ensure that people who are at risk of
                 with clients remotely. It also helped them update  losing their jobs due to COVID-19, or who have
                 their IT skills and learn new ones. Such experience  recently lost their jobs, can find a new job as soon
                 also helped in identifying some points to improve  as possible and, where necessary, receive targeted
                 future online sessions.                  guidance delivery.
                 The career guidance practitioners embarked on  An important element in this service is ‘NL
                 creating  a number  of  infographics about  each  Continues to Learn’. Below, we elaborate on this
                 post-secondary institution in Malta and Gozo. This  initiative, on what it means for career guidance in

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