Page 49 - euroguidance-highlights-2020
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Adapting to Changing Times;                 practice in both schools and VET settings. Links
                 Empowering the Guidance                     were also provided to other relevant national
                 Community Online                            guidelines and  services available, to  further
                                                             inform guidance provision.
                                                          2.  Over the course of 2020 Euroguidance Ireland
                                                             (through NCGE) delivered three ‘webinar
                                                             series’. The first of these was in  May  2020
                                                             and comprised a series of  4 x webinars  for
                                                             the school guidance community. In July 2020
                                                             2 x webinars were provided to staff members
                                                             of Irish ‘Adult Education Guidance Services’.
                                                             Between August and November 2020 a further
                 Following the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic,   series was delivered, once again targeting
                 in March 2020, to determine the support required   the school guidance community. This series
                 by guidance counselors in secondary schools and   comprised 12 x webinars under the overarching
                 VET,  Euroguidance Ireland,  through  its  host  or-  theme of ‘supporting the well-being of school
                 ganisation – the Irish National Centre for Guidance   communities on the return to school’.
                 in Education (NCGE), created and distributed two  3.   In  late  2020,  Euroguidance Ireland (through
                 online ‘contingency planning’ surveys. One survey   NCGE) launched a new podcast. This podcast
                 was distributed to guidance counsellors working in   aims to broaden the perspective of guidance
 The conference was addressed to Greek counselors  of the successful approach to the labor market   schools and the other to guidance practitioners in   in broadly ranged areas of interest and best
 working at the Ministry of Education, the Ministry  and the new Europass portal as a tool to promote   VET. Both sets of survey responses indicated that   practice, locally, nationally and internationally.
 of Labor, Career Offices of Universities, private  transparency of qualifications.  guidance counsellors and guidance practitioners   A series of episodes relevant to schools, VET
 lifelong learning centers, private practitioners   Despite the lack of face-to-face communication,   required guidelines for the provision of remote /   and European considerations for guidance are
 and European counselors from Cyprus and other   more than 350 guidance counselors participated   online guidance, additional resources and indicated   available on the 'Soundcloud' platform.
 Euroguidance Centers. The aim of the conference   actively at the event, asking interesting questions   that they required further training. These survey
 was:  from the speakers via chat, taking part in the polls   responses helped to inform the development of   ‘Career Code’ – Youtube Channel
   •  To support the career guidance counselors   and sharing their good practices, needs and ideas   subsequent guidelines and the continued provision  for the Youth of Lithuania
 working in schools, higher education and en-  for improving career guidance services.  of additional resources and training.  As 2020 was the year of challenges and op-
 trepreneurship in preparing young people for   1.   Euroguidance Ireland and  NCGE established  portunities, the Lithuanian Euroguidance Centre
 the labour market and exploring the necessary  The experience of the event for both the partic-  new dedicated sections of their websites as  found a new opportunity for youth audience
 skills and aptitudes of both the counselors and  ipants and EOPPEP as organiser was really inter-  a ‘one-stop-shop’ for these resources and  engagement. A communication channel for youth
 the end users;  esting. With the use of technology, we had the   coordinated Continuing Professional Develop-  audiences was created in collaboration with
   •  To promote the exchange of good practices  chance to interact with professionals from different   ment (CPD) opportunities; informing guidance  Europass Lithuania – a Youtube channel called
 and policies on this subject between Greek  areas of Greece, Cyprus and Europe and to learn
 and European career guidance counselors and  from each other, thus turning the difficulties of the
 centers.  COVID-19 era to opportunity.
 The speakers at the conference were Greek and  The evaluation of the event from the participants
 European career guidance professionals, leaders   was very good and their proposals are going to
 of career guidance services, representatives of  be used by the Euroguidance Center of Greece in
 public and private bodies, active in labour market  planning future training activities.
 and entrepreneurship, EOPPEP executives and
 European career counselors, members of the   ‘Guidance Club’
 Euroguidance national centers of other European  Euroguidance  Hungary effectively took part in
 countries. All the participants attended the event  the promotion of the guidance Club (Palyaori
 via a special e-platform and there was a parallel  Klub). It is a virtual community where guidance
 translation from and to English during the whole  practitioners get the opportunity to communicate
 event. The programme consisted of five theoretical  and share their best practices. In cooperation
 sessions: ‘School and Occupational Information’,  with the developer, the Economic Development
 ‘Fight Against Unemployment - Entrepreneurship  and Innovation Operational Program, in 2020 we
 and Career Development’, ‘Skills Needed for the  organized webinars every other week, aiming to
 Connection with Labor Market’, ‘Higher Education  provide up-to-date information and knowledge
 and Interconnection with the Labor Market’,  and discuss best practices. In December  2020
 ‘European Networks and Tools For Supporting Job  the Guidance Club had over 800 members. This
 Search’ and 3 workshops regarding the ‘secrets’  number is growing continuously.

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