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Prepare Higher Education Remotely: International review on the effects of COVID-19 on career
guidance policy and practice
4 I want to talk about it
Cedefop, ILO, ETF, the European Commission, increased the need for psychosocial support, for example
Find local guidance centres and advisors including in my
ICCDPP, OECD and UNESCO jointly implemented a among students finalising their studies, or temporarily laid
high school, the calendar of guidance weeks, open days,
flash international survey between 8 June 2020 and 3 off employees. Customers felt that the increasing supply
forums and fairs - Get a toolkit to prepare for a visit to a
August 2020 on how career guidance services of remote guidance and the use of technology were
fair and "contact an advisor" to discuss future plans in live responded to the challenges posed by Covid-19. positive. On the other hand, the pandemic was limiting the
by tchat, e-mail or calling with qualified counsellors. availability of guidance for example among employees in
The responses were collected via an online survey. The
5 I prepare my entry in higher education invitation to participate was sent to decision-makers small and medium-sized businesses, small
entrepreneurs, for older adults, residents living in rural
responsible for arranging guidance, organisers of
Here is a description of Parcoursup, the national portal to areas, or customer groups requiring special support.
guidance, and various organisations in the sector. A total
apply in French higher education: calendar, application
of 963 persons in 93 countries took the survey. According to the respondents, more attention should be
process, the study course finder, some rates and figures,
paid to guidance in national strategies implemented after
advice and assistance, entry requirements, student life According to the results, 40% of the respondents reported
the pandemic. The cooperation between ministries should and mobility and details about apprenticeship in higher that career guidance had received policy attention or be increased, especially when it comes to applying
education. policy action in national measures initiated due to the
technologies and developing personnel skills.
pandemic, but, at the same time, 40% said that the
This national public website – also relayed on social pandemic had not increased attention given to guidance. Multiprofessional, basic services should be widely
media – is designed to support counsellors and available online or at local service locations either
The respondents stated that increasing cooperation
students in the final class of secondary school – individually or in group-based forms. Telephone services
“Terminale” – for the transition to higher education. between different administrative sectors and service should be maintained as part of this package. The
Based on a combined exploration – study pathways, providers had emerged as an even more important issue
importance of guidance included in the curricula of various
professional sectors of activity and professions – it due to the pandemic. However, it appeared that more
schools and educational institutions was emphasised. Job
includes a programme for students to set up their cooperation was taking place among service providers
post-baccalaureate study path and career plan. than among the ministries responsible for guidance. shadowing and/or on-the-job training provide students
with first-hand experience of the labour markets. In
A FIVE-STEPS METHODOLOGY TO PROGRESS Practically all countries had started with remote guidance addition, the better availability of real-time labour market
IN GUIDANCE practices as the main service mode at the time the survey information should be developed nationally for the benefit
was administered. According to the respondents, it was to of employers, training organisers, guidance professionals,
a large extent possible to maintain the previous level of and students.
1 I explore the possible options
More than a database, has to be guidance services, except for intensive personal Based on the survey findings, the seven organisations
guidance. The telephone was mentioned as a viable
Learn about 10 top tips to find the right courses and what considered as a methodological online tool, particularly have authored the final report, “Career guidance policy
communication tool alongside various online tools,
to do after the baccalaureate. Understand the whole range relevant during the coronavirus crisis. This tool supports and practice in the pandemic”, published by Cedefop.
especially in situations where the individuals had limited
of study paths and the issues of the professional world, get students to choose their study pathways after the
opportunities to access the internet or experienced
ideas for jobs and take self-assessment questionnaires. baccalaureate and to pass the tertiary education gap by
difficulties with text-based interaction. Most practitioners
combining independent thinking and contact sessions.
2 I find out about courses and career paths expressed a willingness to utilise technology more than Jaana Kettunen
Moreover, by providing a method, it enables the student to
before the pandemic. At the same time, they expressed Finnish Institute for Educational Research at the University of Jyväskylä
Explore some situations: "My freshman year in... ", learn acquire some self-guidance skills.
the need for more support and training in order to be able
to use MOOC for guidance and a study course finder. In
to operate in new technological environments in a
the end, understand how to succeed in higher education
professional capacity.
to be well prepared.
Isabelle Dekeister
3 I look carefully at some courses to Psychologist-guidance counsellor, Euroguidance France According to the results, the demand for guidance
increased during the first weeks of the pandemic. The
illustrate my choices respondents said that individuals were hoping for more up
to date information on the labour market and training
Choose Sport or not? – Health studies – Law Bachelors
opportunities and more refreshment of job-seeking skills.
and degrees – Art & Design – Bachelors in sciences…
The uncertainty of the labour markets seemed to have
Euroguidance Insight Magazine Issue 2021 Euroguidance Insight Magazine Issue 2021