Page 10 - euroguidance-insight-newsletter-2015-spring
P. 10
A special importance was given to the conditions for the introduction of extended with in 2015. Furthermore,
the presentation of the newly publis- guidance in secondary schools and this activity was followed by a series
hed Guidebook for secondary school made it obligatory for schools to or- of one-day seminars for secondary
teachers. This publication of the na- ganise guidance teams, but the tea- school teachers across the country.
tional Euroguidance centre is a col- chers still lack both training and the The seminars were held by teachers
lection of examples of good practice materials or resources they can use. who contributed texts for this publi-
– activities implemented by second- Therefore, the aim of this publication cation and the Euroguidance centre
ary school teachers through-out the is to provide teachers with materials staff. It included presentations of the
country. It was published in coop- and concrete activities they could activities from the guidebook, fol-
eration with Belgrade Open School implement in their schools, but also lowed by workshops on developing
and it includes 38 career guidance to foster peer learning and sharing guidance activities for secondary
activities, classified into the follo- of the good practice examples within school pupils and an overview of
wing sections: Career, Self-Evaluati- the country. These activities also ser- European resources for guidance
on, Gathering Information, Planning ved as a starting point for the online practitioners. The new series of the-
and Decision Making, Presentation database of good practice examples se seminars will start in April 2015.
(to employers), Activities of School in guidance which is published on
Guidance Team, and Individual the euroguidance website (http://
Work. Recent policy changes created and which will be
Scripts are very welcome and should be sent to the follow-
ing email address: [email protected]