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National Career Counselling Awards 2014 in the Czech Republic
and Slovakia
NCCA in the Czech Republic family life. individuals were evaluated by an ex-
( pert jury and these six were awarded:
The Creative guidance tools (http:// =4uc1Xw3fkWY&list=PLMy5R1niB69 (enhancing hfL4Ro87ZnDzSRLKltxpdT&index=2) • “My portfolio – a programme
the creativity of both career prac- for profile development of
titioners and clients) and the pub- The National Career Counselling students before their entrance
lication Getting to know the World Award supports the dissemination to the labour market.“, Mrs.
of Work ( of information on career counsel- Katarína Markovičová, Catholic
tes/default/files/obrazky/soubory/ ling and raising awareness of it in the University in Ružomberok;
publikace/Navigace_AJ.pdf)(con- Czech Republic. There are an increa- • ”Grafton Street Journal“, Graf-
taining many exercises supporting sing number of projects in the field of ton Recruitment Slovakia, s. r.
the job searching process) were career counselling and their quality o.;
awarded in 2014 the National Ca- has improved. The six year history of • Mr. Štefan Vendel – for his life-
reer Counselling Award in the Czech the awards has shown many benefits: time achievement in the field of
Republic. Moreover, 6 other orga- career counselling, publications,
nisations received the Award for: • increasing international coop- research and support of Euro-
eration among guidance practi- pean cooperation;
• innovative and creative activi- tioners; • Mrs. Ľubomíra Dunčáková –
ties; • significant respect for the win- for her successful activities,
• quality guidance services provi- ners and; creation and dissemination of
ded for students; • creating and supporting guidan- methodologies in the field of
• open career services available ce community in the Czech career guidance and counselling
for different target groups; Republic. for young people;
• support of European coopera- • “What next? – an educational
tion; NCCA in Slovakia theatre which assists young
• successful implementation of people when choosing an oc-
counselling method at national Since 2009 more than 50 institutions cupation“, Dielňa Vekker;
level; and individuals have participated in • “European day for graduates“,
• cooperation with employers for the contest in Slovakia. In 2014 ap- Office of Labour, Social Affairs
harmonisation of working- and plications from 14 organisations and and Family in Nitra.