Page 8 - euroguidance-insight-newsletter-2015-spring
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The Euroguidance centres in the Czech Republic (hosted by the Centre for International Cooperation in Education) and
in Slovakia (hosted by the Slovak Academic Association for International Cooperation – SAAIC), annually give out the
National Career Counselling Awards where the aim is to support the providers of career guidance and counselling
services for various target groups through identification and awarding best practices in this field. Since 2012 an Eng-
lish booklet with information about the awardees has been published. The Compendium for 2014 is available here.
Profile based counselling
The importance of face to face counselling becomes prominent once again.
The Job and Vocational Counselling der institutions and guidance prac-
Service is one of the active labour titioners. The Congress’ Scientific
market programs in Turkey, provided Committee consisted of 35 acade-
by the Turkish Employment Agency mics and keynote speakers from 22
(İŞKUR) to jobseekers, employers and universities/institutions (from 7 dif-
students. It has a multi-disciplinary ferent countries). Throughout the
structure and serves various types of two days, 56 papers were presented
target groups, offers counselling ser- in 14 sessions; all of which were
vice where needed through events collected into a congress book and
such as conferences, congresses, se- translated from Turkish to English.
minar etc which enables their staff to The book will be published in the
use different disciplines to generate coming weeks and can be found at:
solutions towards providing better
services in the field of counselling.
In this context, the “II International and
Job and Vocational Counselling Con-
gress” was organized by Euroguidan-
ce Turkey on 26-27 November in
Antalya. More than 500 people par-
ticipated: from the career guidance
field, universities, national stakehol-