Page 4 - euroguidance-insight-newsletter-2015-spring
P. 4
Or how did the child feel in the
morning before going to school.
Every day, in every moment of life,
experiences are stored in the form
of images. Without visual memo-
ry, we wouldn’t be able to store
- and later retrieve - anything we
see. Children often express their
thoughts and feelings by drawing.
Later, when they become verbal,
they express the same with lan-
guage and language is metaphoric.
Euroguidance: What kind of images
do you use during coaching sessions?
Dorota Raniszewska: I use the cli-
ents’ photographs, my own collec-
tions as well as coaching games. I
like to ask clients to bring or to take
their own pictures. This is very use- topics illustrated with photographs people in a group. Thirdly, strengt-
ful when they need to explore more and “Puctum” which includes 33 hening one’s identity, by connecting
about their values, what is important pictures. Finally, I use drawing as to one’s deep needs and resources,
to them, what is their personal story, an activity, either as a separate acti- supporting the self-esteem, changing
a personal journey so to say, or to vity or combined with photographs. negative thinking into a more posi-
understand better about the process tive one and improving self-image.
or a change that is happening in their Euroguidance: Are there any
lives. In this case I use a phototherapy typical coaching topics when Euroguidance: Are there any funda-
technique called “My Photoalbum” images are especially useful? mentals or theories justifying the use
which consists of a series of pictures of images in coaching or therapy?
organized by the clients individu- Dorota Raniszewska: Yes. First, to
ally and subjectively which navigate understand what is happening in Dorota Raniszewska: For me, the
them through their personal stories. one’s life and how to move on, con- most powerful justification comes
Secondly, I have a series of pictures necting to one’s dreams, values, wi- from practice; when the clients say
representing various life topics and shes, understanding what impacts that it helps them. But I would also
show them to my clients so they can relationships. Secondly, social in- like to refer to the theory of the
choose them as metaphors for their tegration in a team, family, group Sociology of Body (Body and So-
narrative. Thirdly, I use tools develo- of children at school, developing a cial Theory), to Brain Sciences and
ped by Points of You, which are “The common listening attitude, accep- specifically to the Visual Memory
Coaching Game” which includes 65 tance, tolerance and respect among (visual memory describes the relati-
onship between perceptual proces-
sing and the encoding, storage and
retrieval of the resulting neural re-
presentations) and to Phototherapy
which has developed significantly
since the 1960s. It is already used
successfully by many therapists.
Euroguidance: Last year you made a
research entitled “Image in coaching”.
Can you say few words about it?
Dorota Raniszewska: Yes, I did a
questionnaire-based research fol-