Page 16 - european-lifelong-guidance-policies-progress-report
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Section 1: Structure, processes and activities of the ELGPN 2011–12

                                                             ernance,  and  the  transversal  elements  of  the  Work
              Policy outcomes       WP4
                                   Evidence                  Programme.

             Citizen outcomes
                                    CMS                      1.3  Evaluation strategy
                                                             Internal  evaluation  of  the  ELGPN  was  conducted
                              WP2         WP4
              Provision issues                               during  the  third  phase  2011–12.  The  European
                             Access      Quality
                                                             Commission has proposed a more detailed external
                                                             evaluation of the Network in 2013. For the present

               Policy process       WP3                      Progress Report, ELGPN has adopted a community-
                                 Co-ordination               based evaluation approach which aims at encourag-
                                                             ing  active  participation  in  the  evaluation  process
             Figure 1:  Model indicating the relationship between the Work   from  all  involved  communities  and  stakeholders,
                                                             with  a  primary  objective  to  support  the  ongoing
                                                             development  of  the  Network.  An  additional  aim
              These  four  thematic  activities  have  been  imple-  of the 2011–12 evaluation has been to analyse the
            mented  through  a  consistent  process.  Each  of  the   role of ELGPN in policy development, especially the
            Work Packages has consisted of 14–22 participating   interaction between EU member-states, and between
            countries, plus one or sometimes two lead countries,   member-states  and  the  European  Commission,  in
            and a contracted consultant to support the activity in   the context of a member-state-led European policy
            co-operation with the ELGPN Co-ordinator. In each   network  supported  by  the  European  Union.  Atten-
            case, the programme included two separate thematic   tion was paid to the Open Method of Co-ordination
            field visits and a third synthesis meeting (see Annex   as one of the EU’s lead instruments for policy-steer-
            3).  Each  country  identified  the  themes  in  which   ing purposes. The evaluation (see Section 4) aimed
            they wished to participate, and was asked to reflect   to identify some of the key issues, processes, dynam-
            in advance on how these themes could enhance the   ics and potential tensions that arise in the effort to
            development of their national policies and practices,   co-construct policy directions across Europe.
            and their expectations and aspirations for the theme.
            In  addition,  the  field  visits  provided  opportunities
            for  the  host  countries  to  influence  their  own  poli-  1.4  Key outcomes 2011–12
            cies and practices, and to involve key policy-makers
            within these processes. Time was also allocated to the   During  the  ELGPN  Work  Programme  2011–12,  a
            development of the ELGPN 2011–12 outputs.        principal aim has been to produce a Resource Kit for
              The  ELGPN  2011–12  Work  Programme  further   policy-makers to help policy-makers and other stake-
            included  a  Task  Group,  with  two  sub-groups  per-  holders to review existing lifelong guidance provision
            forming  distinct  tasks.  Sub-group  (a)  focused  on   within their country or region, and to identify issues
            European  education  &  training  and  employment   requiring attention and gaps that need to be filled,
            policy analysis from a lifelong guidance perspective,   drawing from practices in other European countries.
            while sub-group (b) worked on developing concrete   The  aim  of  this  Resource  Kit  is  to  support  policy
            tools for policy-makers; with support from two con-  review and peer learning processes both within and
            tracted  consultants.  The  Task  Group  also  focused   between  countries.  It  is  being  published  alongside
            on  the  ELGPN’s  communication  strategy  and  gov-  this report as a stand-alone document during the 4th

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