Page 75 - european-lifelong-guidance-policies-progress-report
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From this, key emergent issues informed the devel- • More longitudinal tracking activities are
opment of a second draft QAE Framework. Further required, linked to levels of financial invest-
adjustments were made to strengthen the robustness ment and expenditure on lifelong guidance.
and credibility of the approach, including the ratio- • The cost-benefits to governments and to indi-
nale for the Framework and added-value benefits. viduals require specific attention, alongside the
Five countries participated in applying the second benefits to employers and other key stakehold-
draft version: Denmark, Germany, Hungary, Lithu- ers.
ania and the UK (Northern Ireland). From this, the
following observations were made: The final version of the QAE Framework
• Similarities and differences exist between coun- The testing process culminated in a final version of
tries in their approach to data collection and the QAE Framework. Findings indicate that its suc-
analysis. cessful application depends on a number of inter-
• Both quantitative and qualitative data can be linked factors, such as: the starting point in each
yielded through the application of the QAE country regarding quality-assurance systems and
Framework. feedback mechanisms for lifelong guidance; and the
• The QAE Framework is ‘fit for purpose’ in its extent to which data is gathered, analysed and shared
application across all six sectoral areas, but in a systematic way within and across sectoral areas.
there needs to be clarity on the rationale for The Framework is a tool for formal and informal
doing so. reviews of the current ‘state of play’ and helps iden-
• Public Employment Services adopt a different tify both achievements and gaps in provision that
and more structured approach concerning data- require greater policy attention. Given the diversity
gathering, compared to the education sector. in member countries’ cultural, social and economic
• There are inherent weaknesses in adopting a contexts, the QAE Framework is not designed to spe-
client satisfaction approach only: greater atten- cifically compare and analyse the level of financial
tion is required on client outcomes linked to investment in lifelong guidance between countries.
progression, attainment and transition rates.