Page 5 - the_danish_education_system
P. 5

Primary and lower

                    secondary education

                              The public system                          3.  Trust in the school and pupil well-being must
                                                                            both be enhanced through respect for profes-
                              The Danish public school – the ”Folkeskole” - is   sional knowledge and practice in the public
                              a comprehensive, integrated municipal school   school.
                              covering primary and lower secondary education
                              (ISCED 1 and 2) without streaming.         Pupils are continuously evaluated. Teachers devel-
                                                                         op individual learning plans for pupils, which are
                              In the 2014/2015 school year, 78% of all pupils in   updated regularly. National computer-based tests
                              primary and lower secondary schools attended   have been introduced in a number of subjects
                              the Folkeskole, 16% attended private schools,   in grades 2 to 8. Progression to the next grade is
                              4% attended private residential schools known   usually automatic. School-leaving examinations
                              as ”Efterskoler”, and 2% attended special schools.   are taken in grade 9. Moreover, pupils in grade 9
                              Education is compulsory for ten years starting   complete a one week project assignment.
                              from the year the child turns six. It is education
                              itself that is compulsory, not schooling.
                                                                         Other possibilities
                              Apart from the compulsory grades 0 to 9, the
                              Folkeskole also has an optional grade 10. In the   Parents may choose a private school for their
                              2014/2015 school year, 51% of pupils having at-  children. Private schools are self-governing insti-
                              tended grade 9 also attended grade 10.     tutions required to measure up to the standards
                                                                         of public schools.
                              The average number of pupils per class in the
                              Folkeskole is 21.4, while the figure for private   There are many different types of private schools
                              schools is 18.1 (2014/2015).               and some are based on a specific philosophy, a
                                                                         special pedagogical approach or a religious belief.
                              According to the Folkeskole Act, schools must
                              provide pupils with subject-specific qualifications   Continuation schools - Efterskoler - are private
                              and prepare them for further education. More-  residential schools for pupils in grades 8 to 10. In
                              over, schools should prepare pupils for their role   addition to normal subjects, emphasis in these
                              as citizens in a democratic society. The Folkeskole   schools is typically on social learning and fields
                              builds on the principle of differentiated teaching.   such as sports, music, nature or ecology.
                              Teaching is organised so it strengthens and devel-
                              ops interests and qualifications while catering for   Private schools receive a substantial state subsidy
                              the needs of the individual pupil. It also aims at   based on the number of pupils in these schools.
                              developing pupils’ cooperative skills.
                              There are three national goals for public schools
                              in order to support and develop their strengths
                              and academic standards:

                              1.  The public school must challenge all pupils to
                                 reach their full potential.
                              2.  The public school must lower the significance
                                 of social background on academic results.

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