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”sandwich-type” programmes in which theoreti- to the second basic course linked to the more than
cal and practical education at a vocational college 100 different main programmes. The four main
(approxmately 1/3 of the time) alternates with subject areas are:
practical training in an approved company or or-
ganisation (approximately 2/3 of the time). The – Care, health and pedagogy
dual training principle building on apprenticeship – Administration, commerce and business
contracts in companies ensures that the trainees service
acquire theoretical, practical, general and personal – Food, agriculture and hospitality
skills which are in demand in the labour market. – Technology, construction and transportation
Vocational education and training consists of a ba- VET programmes are normally completed with a
sic programme divided into two basic courses and journeyman’s test or a similar examination testing
the main programme. VET students enrolled dire- vocational knowledge, skills and competences.
ctly after compulsory school will start on the first The majority commence with the basic VET pro-
basic course which is not an option for students gramme, but some students choose to begin with
enrolled at least one year later. The length of each a period of in-company training before they enter
of the two basic courses is 20 weeks. The main the basic programme. Also, students who prefer
programme is based on the alternating principle practical training to school attendance can com-
typically organised as 4-5 periods of school-based mence their vocational education in a company
education and training at the workplace, which which offers practical training, also referred to as
in total typically takes 3 to 3½ years, but can be the “New Apprenticeship”: The student enters a
shorter or longer for certain programmes. VET training agreement with a company and during
programmes are offered by vocational technical the first year must acquire the same knowled-
colleges, business colleges and social and health ge and qualifications as the students who have
care colleges. followed the basic programme at a college. This
requires flexibility on the part of the student, the
The Danish VET system also offers a VET program- company and the college.
me combining general upper secondary educati-
on and vocational education and training – eux – Admission to vocational education and training re-
qualifying students for a job as well as giving them quires completion of compulsory education and a
direct access to higher education in a wide range school leaving certificate with at least a mark of 02
of programmes, i.e. leading to a journeyman’s in Danish and maths. All programmes qualify stu-
certificate as well as the general upper seconda- dents for labour market entry as skilled workers,
ry diploma. Furthermore, adults 25 years and and all programmes can qualify students for ad-
older have access to VET programmes designed mission to specific higher education programmes.
especially for adults on the basis of recognition
of prior learning and relevant work experience, Maritime training institutions offer professional
which lead to the same vocational qualifications. bachelor’s programmes of 180-350 ECTS including
In order to complete the main programme, all VET a period of work placement of at least 30 ECTS.
students must have a training agreement with an Maritime training institutions also offer program-
approved company which offers training. mes at academy profession level of 120 ECTS as
a top-up programme to vocational maritime trai-
The first basic course is structured around four ning. The programmes are aimed at employment
broad vocational main subject areas which lead on board ships at the management level.