Page 10 - the_danish_education_system
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Higher education
Danish higher education institutions use the Euro- of at least 30 ECTS. Most programmes provide ac-
pean Credit Transfer System (ECTS) for measuring cess to further studies in the same field. University
study activities. 60 ECTS correspond to one year of colleges and specialised colleges offer the profes-
full-time study. Higher education programmes are sional bachelor´s programmes.
offered at five different types of institutions, each
with well-defined profiles and qualities.
University level programmes
Academy profession There are three levels of study programmes offe-
ring first-, second- and third-cycle degree program-
mes in academic disciplines:
Academy profession programmes offer profes- Bachelor’s programmes
sionally-oriented short-cycle and first-cycle de- The bachelor’s degree (BSc/BA) is awarded after
gree programmes of 90-150 ECTS in fields such 180 ECTS and qualifies students for a professional
as business, technology and IT. The programmes career and further studies at second-cycle level.
prepare students for performing practical, voca-
tional tasks on an analytical basis and may lead Master´s programme (candidatus)
to employment in middle-management posi- Most students choose to continue on a master’s
tions. They combine theoretical studies with a programme (MSc/MA) of 120 ECTS. They usually
practice-oriented approach in the form of work include one or two of the major fields of study of
placements. Holders of an academy profession the bachelor programme. Independent research
degree can obtain a professional bachelor’s degree activities and a master’s thesis of at least 30 ECTS
within the same field of study through a top-up are required. The master’s programmes qualify
programme of 90 ECTS. These programmes are students for a professional career and for scien-
offered at the business academies. Maritime tra- tific work.
ining institutions offer programmes at academy
profession level of 120 ECTS as a top-up program- PhD
me to vocational maritime training. The PhD degree is obtained after 180 ECTS and
consists of research, participation in research cou-
rses, teaching and public defense of a thesis.
Professional bachelor´s
programmes The programmes are offered at the Danish univer-
sities, which are research-intensive institutions
offering research-based study programmes.
Professionally-oriented first-cycle degree pro-
grammes of typically 180-240 ECTS are offered
in fields such as business, education, nursing, engi-
neering and maritime transport. The programmes
have a strong focus on professional practice and
provide students with theoretical knowledge and
its application to professions and industries. The
programmes include a period of work placement