Page 28 - Euroguidance-Brochure-Recent-Developments-in-Guidance-Belgium
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Evolution of the CEFOs
French-speaking Community
The essential mission of CEFOs (Carrefour Emploi Formation Oriëntation - Careers & Training Advice Centers) is to
inform, advise and guide adults on a free of charge basis on the labour market and training opportunities.
They pursue this role through the four areas, so the public can:
- Choosing a guidance path
- Select training
- Find a job
- Create a business
The role of CEFOs is also to improve the visibility of service providers related to these four areas.
AIM(S) Following this collective work, an individual session is
planned to finalise the process.
Since 2013, the CEFO toolkit has offered an individual
service clarifying and confirming career plans.
After several years of experience, the need has arisen to RESULTS AND IMPACT
develop new short career guidance activities allowing
the public to develop and build their own plan. From January to September 2017, 181.689 visitors visited
This offer has been in place at the CEFO’s since early ‘17. the CEFOs.
Ultimately, CEFOs are part of the lifelong guidance 87.532 individual interviews were conducted, of which
system which includes the establishment of the three 5.296 related to the guidance offer.
Recent Developments in Guidance - Belgium | Chapter 2 | Service Development
Cités des Métiers in Wallonia which cater for a wide audi-
The aim is to offer a place where the public can look at
their career plan and identify action tracks to build it.
Any adult reflecting on which career path to follow.
Two possible methods:
• Individual service (2 to 4 interviews of 1 or 2 hours),
offering a socio-professional assessment and career
plan development based on assessment results as
well as personal information and reflection processes
in between interviews
• A collective approach involving the drawing up of a
career plan and reflection on career choices based on
skills, motivation, values, interests, possible obstacles
and the results of steps taken in search of informa-
tion as well as reflect in between and after sessions.
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