Page 29 - Euroguidance-Brochure-Recent-Developments-in-Guidance-Belgium
P. 29
Career Vouchers (VDAB)
Since 2013, every Flemish citizen in employment (salaried or self-employed) is entitled to two VDAB (the Flemish
Public Employment Service) career vouchers every 6 years. Per voucher, clients are entitled to four hours of career
guidance from a recognised career centre. If the career voucher is not used within 3 months of issue, the individual
sum is returned - with the client retaining his entitlement.
- To encourage working citizens to fully use their talents Throughout the career guidance process, the client
and capacities on the labour market and to strengthen gains more insight into his/her strengths, weaknesses,
their career competencies to increase labour market talents, interests (through face-to-face coaching, exercis- Recent Developments in Guidance - Belgium | Chapter 2 | Service Development
opportunities. es, questionnaires and other methods). A personal
- To empower participants to take their own career development plan (POP) is drawn up, including a
decisions and to translate these into a personal devel- summary of actions to be undertaken. The individual
opment plan or POP (requesting a modest contribution, contribution per cheque is €40 and its value is €550
should lead to greater ownership of the career guidance (excluding VAT). Thus, the government subsidises the
process). career cheque for €510 per cheque.
Overall, the career vouchers system provides a response The underlying principle is that citizens can direct their
to career demands from working citizens, including own career and that tailored support is provided. Career
questions related to the work-family balance, bore-out, guidance is every working citizen’s right and should be
burn-out, need for new challenges or career aim(s), requested when it is needed the most. Only the client
insecurity about future career moves, feeling unhap- can request his/her career cheque.
py at work, loss of motivation at work, problems with The cheques can be obtained through the local ‘employ-
hierarchical superiors or colleagues, etc. ment shops’, the VDAB website or VDAB service line.
Through the career voucher system, the government
wants to stimulate ‘lifelong’ learning so employability This new system (start: 1/7/13) is in line with European
and flexibility among the working population increases regulations on ‘consumer support’. It is a time-intensive,
(from job security to career security). The long-term goal tailored investment. The service involves a fee, which has
is to keep more citizens in ‘workable work’ for longer. proven to be effective. It is offered in Dutch.
Current career guidance services are integrated in the
TARGET GROUP(S) support system for the working population. VDAB is the
director of the new career landscape and oversees the
Flemish citizens in salaried employment and/or self- quality of the service provision.
employment (without any age limit). Important quality criteria are:
• free choice of the citizen for a career centre,
Conditions are : • diversity of services,
- being in employment at the moment of application; • efficacy of the guidance offered, and
- a minimum work experience of 12 months in the past • the preventative aspect.
two years (or 8 months’ work experience in interim work)
in the past two years.; VDAB is responsible for monitoring, communication
- living or working in Brussels or Flanders; for EU citizens: and complaint management. VDAB is the career centre’s
working in Brussels or Flanders. quality controller and makes changes where necessary.
Organisations can apply for a career centre mandate
with VDAB at any time. If successful, the mandate is valid
for a period of six years.