Page 31 - Euroguidance-Brochure-Recent-Developments-in-Guidance-Belgium
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Project @level2work
VDAB data show that 1 in 4 of the non-Dutch speaking immigrants are highly skilled, but this is hardly detected
through the job aspirations they mention during pathway to work mediation. Warehouse or production assistant,
cleaner, ... are some of the jobs newcomers mention they are looking for. Clearly, a lot of existing and potential
talent remains undetected.
As a preventative measure, many partners have joined forces to support highly qualified newcomers in finding
positions that match their education level: VOKA-Kamer van Koophandel Oost-Vlaanderen, VOKA-Kamer van
Koophandel West-Vlaanderen, Randstad Belgium, Vormingsfonds voor de Uitzendkrachten vzw, UC Limburg, Huis
van het Nederlands Brussel, Huis van het Nederlands West-Vlaanderen, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Universiteit
Antwerpen, Hogeschool PXL, vzw Integratie en Inburgering Antwerpen, Cronos, Solentra Soldidariteit & Trauma
vzw, UZ Gent (Ghent Universitary Hospital), Vives-Zuid, Obelisk, Integratie en Inburgering Gent. VDAB coordinates.
Project @level2work is a European project (ESF) with a project lab in each Flemish province. Recent Developments in Guidance - Belgium | Chapter 2 | Service Development
AIM(S) Universities and university colleges involved contribute
through guidance of the newecomer when additional
The project @level2work has the ambition to map the high- competencies. should be acquired.
skilled newcomers and, via various actions, to lead that to a
job at their level.
The personal guidance service is positively received by
The target group is highly skilled newcomers. Requirements clients. Having one contact person has proven to be of
to join this project are: great help. Project @level2work contributes to progressing
• Residing in Belgium for max. 5 years towards suitable positions that match the client’s
• The country of origin is outside the EU competencies.
• Obtained a higher education diploma in the country of
origin (min. BA level, whether or not recognised here)
To connect supply and demand, highly-skilled jobseekers Onder-
and employers, the idea emerged to develop a ‘one-stop- wijsinnovatie/level2work.html
shop’. A digital platform was created where the (highly qual- • Contact Patrick Noël Vercruysse
ified non-Dutch speaker and employer can find information ([email protected])
on the current offer. The contact desk is a physical desk
where high-skilled non-Dutch speakers can be supported
in their pathway to work.
In addition, integrated language training is provided -
including several tailored components. Lessons in Dutch
and career orientation are integrated.
To support employers, existing workplace learning tools
and instruments are further expanded. Integral coaching
has a central position; language and labour market compe-
tencies are also addressed.
The educational pathways are pathways to work that con-
tain short-term as well as long-term plans. Tailored career
pathways and career development are important aspects.