Page 2 - Euroguidance-Insight-Magazine-2023
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                                                                          Euroguidance is the  network of
                                                                          national resource centres for guid-
                                                                          ance. Our role is to support com-
                                                                          petence development of profes-
                                                                          sionals. Our conference, “Meeting
                                                                          the future today: Competence
                                                                          development for the European
                                                                          guidance community” was organ-
                                                                          ised to inspire and to encourage
                                                                          all professionals to be active and
                                                                          make  use of  peer  learning  at in-
                                                                          ternationally.  We are pleased to
                                                                          report that over 500 participants
                                                                          from more than 50 countries took
                                                                          part in the event.

                                                                          Euroguidance brings together
                © Jiri Biskup                                             professionals at all levels from dif-
                                                                          ferent countries to network and to
                learn from one another through presentations, workshops and seminars. Guidance practitioners,
                policy makers and trainers come together to discuss a wide range of issues, adding to the goal of
                sharing knowledge and experiences. This ensures that all practitioners have equal access to the lat-
                est developments in the field of guidance, and that their professional knowledge and competence
                is updated at the same time and in the same way.

                In this edition of Insight magazine, we are bringing together all of the knowledge shared during the
                conference, so that even more people can learn from it. Leaders of the workshops and panel ses-
                sions have each been invited to contribute. The result is a series of articles which alternate between
                giving practical tips to fellow professionals and sharing good practices in the European context
                around guidance.

                Some articles focus on the more complex issues that professionals face during their work;- for ex-
                ample, meeting the guidance needs of individuals with different and diverse backgrounds; sup-
                porting clients to change pathways; stimulating inclusive mobility - or just responding well to the
                needs of clients who are insecure from the impact of multiple crises in recent years or who are
                looking for a new direction in the ever- changing labour market.

                Multi-tasking is a real challenge. How do you work, simultaneously, on all the different issues you
                face as a guidance professional? We have also included articles which focus on Erasmus+ as well as
                examples from the Academia Programme, which both provide opportunities to share good practic-
                es and to learn from the different guidance systems which co-exist within Europe.

                Finally, there are some articles about specific training, projects or approaches in schools to share
                good practices and learn from other countries on how guidance is organised - including one article
                about a new model of career guidance that has been introduced in English schools, and another
                about a student programme on the theme of ‘What should I be when I grow up’.

                We hope you enjoy the read!
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