Page 5 - Euroguidance-Insight-Magazine-2023
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          The panel consisted of  Daniel Hailemariam  (Haile- Networking opportunities were valued
          mariam  Consulting),  Tristram Hooley  (Inland  Nor-  One of the aims of the conference was to offer a
          way University),  Ilze Jansone  (Euroguidance and   chance for informal encounters among participants.
          IAEVG), Florian Kadletz (ETF) and Lukasz Sienkiew-  The breaks, as well as the poster exhibition at the end
          icz (Gdansk University). The discussion led to the con-  of the day, and a network dinner, were full of lively
          clusion that practitioners would need more training to   conversations.
          handle this and that face-to-face services would still
          be needed for more in-depth guidance.               The conference was organized as part of Global
                                                              Careers Month (Nov-Dec 2022), on the initiative of
          The panel also discussed whether upskilling and com- Cedefop, the European Commission, ETF, ILO, OECD,
          petence development should be made compulsory  UNESCO and the World Bank. The event also support-
          for practitioners. It was thought that a better option   ed collaboration  between Euroguidance  and IAEVG
          would be to develop strong frameworks of compe-     (International Association for Educational and  Voca-
          tences on a national level. The panellists also brought   tional Guidance).
          up existing competence frameworks, developed by
          international organisations such as the IAEVG.  The
          audience saw adaptability, flexibility and reflection     Watch the video of the conference on
          skills as the biggest priority areas in competence de-                 the website.

                                                                                                      © Jiri Biskup

                                                                       Euroguidance Insight Magazine Issue 1/2023
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