Page 4 - Euroguidance Insight Magazine
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                         The latest edition of Euroguidance Highlights showcases the remarkable achievements of the Euroguidance
                         network during 2021-2022. Euroguidance, one of the three Erasmus+ policy networks, has played a unique
                         role in promoting lifelong learning, career development and mobility for guidance professionals across
                         In the face of the significant challenges brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic and the persisting
                         impact of an ongoing war of aggression within Europe, the Euroguidance network has demonstrated
                         resilience, adaptability and dedication.
                         This publication highlights that the Euroguidance network has remained committed to its mission to
                         facilitate cooperation, knowledge exchange, and capacity building among guidance professionals and
                         policy makers across Europe. The network's engagement in transnational projects, partnerships and events
                         has contributed to the development of innovative tools, methodologies, and policies, promoting equity,
                         social inclusion, and the recognition of diverse skills across Europe.
                         2022 also marked a special milestone as the Euroguidance networke celebrated its 30  anniversary. We
                         extend our sincere congratulations on this significant achievement, which exemplifies sustainable European
                         cooperation and commitment to the promotion and development of guidance to all those concerned, not
                         least the guidance professionals themselves.
                         Under the umbrella of the "Global Careers Month", Euroguidance organized its first European Conference on
                         30  November 2022 in Prague on “Meeting the future today: Capacity building for the European guidance
                         community”. The European Conference served as a platform for fruitful discussions on key topics such as
                         lifelong guidance, digitalization, inclusion, and the challenges posed by a rapidly evolving labour market. It
                         fostered collaboration and knowledge-sharing, enabling the European guidance community to learn from
                         each other's experiences and displayed the network’s role in actively supporting competence development
                         of guidance practitioners.
                         The new Euroguidance Highlights publication is testimony to the excellent work of the network, national
                         centers, and stakeholders in the field of guidance and mobility. It demonstrates how centers adapted to the
                         pandemic context, developed relevant webinars and courses, and organized successful online events and
                         conferences. The focus on e-guidance and digital approaches to guidance is crucial in helping individuals
                         communicate their skills and find new opportunities in a transforming labour market.
                         The European Year of Skills which started on 9 May 2023 will raise awareness on matching people’s
                         aspirations with job opportunities, promote investment in high-skilled staff, and bring together everyone –
                         learners, workers, social partners and employers — to improve our skill sets for the green and digital
                         economy. We believe that many links can be established between skills and career guidance during the
                         Year. And the Euroguidance network has already shown this by preparing many activities under the banner
                         of the European Year of Skills.

                         With this in mind, we look forward to continued collaboration and good results in 2023 and the future.

                         Ann Branch Head of Unit, Skills Agenda, DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, European Commission

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