Page 8 - Euroguidance Insight Magazine
P. 8

its resilience, reflecting on the future of Europe,   pandemic. The meeting had a special atmosphere
                         strengthening the rule of law and European values,   due to the 30  anniversaries of the Euroguidance
                         and increasing security and stability in the European   Network and the 35  anniversary of the Erasmus+
                         neighbourhood.                           programme, respectively.
                         European Commission representative, Aline Juerges,   The meeting marked the handover of Steering
                         shared updates on relevant policy developments   Group Leadership from Sweden and Estonia to
                         about the European Pillar of Social Rights Action   Austria and Latvia. The French Euroguidance team
                         Plan, the European Skills Agenda, Individual Learn-  presented current projects, including “21  Century
                         ing Accounts, the European Approach to micro-cre-  Career Management Skills”, a new tool for guidance
                         dentials, Pact for Skills, Upskilling Pathways and New   professionals in education (ONISEP).
                         Adult Learning Working Group.
                                                                  A task group was formed to prepare a European
                         Cynthia M. Harrison, CareersNet coordinator and   Euroguidance Conference during the first Global
                         Lifelong Guidance project manager at Cedefop, the   Careers Month (GCM) 8 Nov. to 13 Dec 2023, a new
                         European Centre for the Development of Vocational   initiative from the Inter-agency Career Guidance
                         Training, presented CareersNet’s first working paper,   Working Group (comprising Cedefop, European
                         ‘Digital transitions in lifelong guidance: rethinking   Commission, ETF, ILO, OECD, UNESCO and World
                         career practitioner professionalism’.    Bank).
                         Parallel sessions on national practices for com-  Euroguidance Network Meeting Czech
                         petence development for guidance practitioners   Republic, November 2022
                            •  An international dimension in guidance: Call   The Czech Euroguidance centre, the National Ped-
                            for improved capacity building of guidance   agogical Institute of the Czech Republic, hosted the
                            professionals (Sweden, Estonia and France).  second Euroguidance Network meeting of 2022. On
                            •  Ideas and experiences of the processes of devel-  28.-29. November 2022 more than 50 participants
                            oping new tools with our stakeholders, example   exchanged in task groups, show cased “highlights”
                            of "Path to the world" cards (Finland).  in their work on national level and made plans for
                            •  Modular training for career guidance practi-  the second Stakeholder Survey of the Network
                            tioners (Slovenia).                   in 2023.
                            •  Development of career guidance at general,   On behalf of the European Commission, Aline
                            special and vocational education institutions   Juerges gave the participants an overview of current
                            (Latvia).                             policy developments, focusing on the European Year
                         30  Anniversary Euroguidance             of Skills, 2023.
                         Network Meeting, France, June 2022       The meeting provided an excellent opportunity
                                                                  for last minute preparations of the first Lifelong
                         On 2-3 June 2022, the Euroguidance centres met
                         in Paris for the biannual Network meeting, the first   Guidance Conference, which took place in Prague
                         face-to-face meeting since the start of the COVID-19   the following day.

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