Page 10 - Euroguidance Insight Magazine
P. 10

research completed in 2022. Stakeholder interviews   before putting it together on the Moodle platform
                         and an online survey will be implemented in 2023   hosted by Euroguidance France. Testing took place
                         to provide an aggregated picture and evidence of   during December 2022 and January 2023 before the
                         the impact of the EG Network’s activities for the   final touches were made.
                         Euroguidance guidance community. First results
                         were published in June 2023.             The course has been developed to include thorough
                                                                  guidelines and instructions on how to use different
                         Cooperation with international Stakeholders &   technical features of Europass, as well as practical
                         Global Careers Month 2022                guidelines on how to best use Europass with differ-
                                                                  ent groups of target users, such as job applicants,
                         The Steering Group is also responsible for the
                         exchange of information and cooperation with   pupils, students and many more. 
                         international guidance stakeholders. Based on a   The eCourse is expected to be launched via a
                         “Memorandum of Understanding” with the Inter-  webinar in June 2023 and presented to the whole
                         national Association of Educational and Vocational   Euroguidance community at the Network meeting
                         Guidance (IAEVG), Euroguidance closely cooperated   in Stockholm June 2023.
                         in organising the online IAEVG Conference 2021 in
                         Latvia. Euroguidance presented innovative guidance   The production of tools
                         practices in Europe at a panel session on global   Work on the development of tools has continued
                         innovative practices in guidance for the 2022 joint   over the past two years, and the “Mobility Advice In-
                         IAEVG and Asia Pacific Career Development Associ-  terview” brochure is now available in English, French
                         ation and has helped prepare the IAEVG Conference   and German. Other tools have been updated, such
                         2023 in the Netherlands.                 as the Vademecum for Academia, various glossaries
                         Further ties with international organisations were   on guidance and the brochure on internships in
                         developed during the first Global Careers Month in   Europe, written in French but with the help of the
                         December 2022, when Margit Rammo, of EG Estonia,   whole Euroguidance community.
                         was nominated to be the European contact for   A pilot project (Estonia, France, Ireland, Latvia,
                         the Inter-Agency Career Guidance Working Group   Slovenia, Sweden) on pre- and post-activity evalu-
                         (IAG CGWG), composed of Cedefop, the European   ation took place in 2022 and will be extended to all
                         Commission, European Training Foundation (ETF),   Academia study visits in Spring 2023.
                         ILO, OECD, UNESCO and the World Bank.
                                                                  Green Guidance: guidance for sustainable
                         Under the umbrella of the “Global Careers Month”, a   development
                         task group led by EG Czech Republic organised the
                         Network’s first ever European Conference on 30    The sub-group on guidance for sustainable de-
                         November 2022 in Prague. (See also page 13).   velopment has continued to gather information
                                                                  and research on this topic and plans to produce a
                         The SG has also continued its cooperation with   synthesis in summer 2023. In 2021 and 2022, the
                         Cedefops network CareersNet, where several Eu-  Euroguidance Centres of France and Belgium (FR)
                         roguidance members act as independent national   acted as leaders of the group. The other Eurogu-
                         experts. A representative of Cedefop attended the   idance centres involved were Croatia, Germany,
                         conference in Prague.
                                                                  Finland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Luxembourg, North
                         Main Task Group 1: Supporting            Macedonia, Slovenia and Spain.
                         the development of the European          Main Task Group 2: Competence
                         dimension of lifelong guidance           Development
                         The Europass eCourse
                                                                  The aim of MTG2 is to support competence devel-
                         The main activity of the MTG1 during 2022 was   opment within the guidance community in Europe.
                         to work on the creation of the online course on   MTG2 also supports knowledge, peer learning,
                         Europass for guidance counsellors. Firstly, the group   and skills development within the Euroguidance
                         considered the objectives of the course and the   Network. The work of the group is organised in
                         expectations in terms of training, before working   subgroups: Mentoring new Network members;
                         out the structure of the course itself. Once agreed,   Good practice database collection; Webinars; Joint
                         the group then worked on the content, the material   events.
                         to be included, including creating quizzes and tests

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