Page 7 - Euroguidance Insight Magazine
P. 7

1.1         Euroguidance

                 Network Meetings

                 The biannual Euroguidance Network meetings are a valuable forum for national Euroguidance
                 experts to engage both with each other and with representatives of the European Commission (DG
                 Employment and Executive Agency). Euroguidance colleagues share information on national and
                 pan-European policy and strategic developments in the fields of lifelong learning, career guidance,
                 employment and the promotion of international mobility. The meetings also provide a means for
                 discussion and agreement upon issues that are relevant for the whole Euroguidance Network.
                 Frequently, these meetings are used to prepare joint initiatives and to exchange ideas based on the
                 work carried out by the Euroguidance Task Groups. After a virtual meeting in October 2021, face to
                 face meetings resumed in June 2022.

                 Euroguidance Network virtual             October 2021. Experts shared a presentation on
                 meeting in Slovenia, October 2021        career guidance at the Employment Service of Slo-
                                                          venia, and another explaining the four key priorities
                 The Euroguidance Network virtual meeting was   of the Slovenian Presidency of the Council of the EU:
                 organised by Euroguidance Slovenia, on 11-13   Striving to facilitate the EU's recovery and reinforce

                 © Euroguidance Slovenia

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