Page 12 - Euroguidance Insight Magazine
P. 12

© Euroguidance France

                         be found here:  Supprt of the Euroguidance Network
                                                                  The 30  anniversary of the Network was celebrated
                         The members involved are EG centres in Belgium   with organising a hybrid conference on the topic
                         (FL), Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czechia, Germany, Greece,   of “Meeting the future today: Capacity building
                         Hungary, Malta, North Macedonia, Poland, Portugal,   for the European guidance community”. Main Task
                         Romania, Serbia and Slovakia.            group 3 was responsible for the promotion of the
                                                                  conference beforehand, reporting on the sessions
                         Main Task Group 3: Information           during and after the conference, and finally coor-
                         Provision and Communication              dinating the production of a video about the Eu-

                         Enhancing and promoting the overall visibility of   roguidance Network which was created during the
                         the Euroguidance Network was the aim of Main Task   event.
                         Group 3 during 2021 and 2022. These Network-level   Visual update
                         actions were targeted towards the European com-
                         munity of guidance practice. Besides this, MTG3 also   Based on the need to make the Network’s visual ele-
                         took responsibility for internal communication pro-  ments comply with accessibility criteria, the national
                         cesses and providing support to Network members.   EG centre in Finland initiated a visual update for
                                                                  the whole Network. In cooperation with MTG3 the
                         Digital communication channels           Finnish team updated the Network visual guidelines
                         Online communication was vital during the pan-  and created common communications materials
                         demic, which still affected our daily work through-  for all Network members to use. This new style was
                         out 2021. News, written by national Euroguidance   developed throughout 2022 and first presented
                         centres, were shared with the wider guidance   to all EG members during the Network meeting
                         community on the Network’s website, and viewing   in Prague (November 2022). This new style will be
                         continued to increase by 30% through 2022. News   implemented in all Euroguidance communication
                         items on our website were also distributed through   materials from 2023 onwards.
                         the monthly newsletter and via social media (Face-  During 2021 and 2022 the Euroguidance centres in
                         book). MTG3 also coordinated the publication of one   Austria, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Ireland,
                         edition of the “Insight Magazine” in 2021 and two   Switzerland, the Netherlands, Turkey, Norway and
                         more in 2022, covering topics such as ’Competence   the United Kingdom were members of Main Task
                         development in strange times’ and ‘Transnational   Group 3.
                         cooperation in guidance’.

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