Page 16 - Euroguidance Insight Magazine
P. 16

© State Education Development Agency, Latvia

                         ing and problem-solving skills, and to encourage   education lack knowledge about the numerous VET
                         individuals not to be afraid of the unknown, whilst   programmes and the wide range of vocational job
                         exploring how to involve and motivate cooperation   opportunities.
                         partners in providing career guidance support. Par-
                         ticipants also had opportunities to network during   Together,  EG Denmark and the Erasmus+ VET
                         the event and share their professional experience   team of the Danish National Agency set up an
                         with colleagues from other countries.    Erasmus+ TCA Study Visit for three days in June
                                                                  2022 in Copenhagen. The Training and Cooper-
                         EG Latvia as the host organisation chose to organise   ation Activity (TCA) was financed by Erasmus+
                         a hybrid seminar by combining both online and   and Euroguidance and was offered to European
                         on-site activities to give the greatest opportunity   practitioners, managers and teachers working in
                         for career guidance practitioners to meet and share   guidance in lower secondary education. The study
                         information. The  social  isolation  caused  by  the   visit focused on the role of guidance in the transi-
                         COVID-19 pandemic underlined the hybrid option   tion from primary and lower secondary education
                         as the preferred method, with many professionals   to Initial Vocational Education and Training (IVET)
                         acknowledging that face-to-face interaction among   and how guidance and information campaigns
                         seminar participants cannot be fully replaced or   can strengthen the knowledge of the attrac-
                         substituted by participation merely online.   tiveness of IVET.
                         For more information, please see Hope in Times of   23 European guidance counsellors from 11 dif-
                         Uncertainty                              ferent countries took part in the study visit in Co-
                         Erasmus+ Training and Cooperation        penhagen, which was the first one in Denmark after
                         Activity (TCA): "Guidance and            the COVID-19 pandemic. It included presentations
                         the promotion of IVET", June 2022,       of the Danish education and guidance systems from
                                                                  national experts and policymakers on the first day,
                         Denmark                                  and presentations by two VET students from the
                         Attracting more students to Vocational Education   ‘Corps of Role Models’ on their choice of education.
                         and Training (VET) programmes is a major challenge,   Armed with this basic knowledge of the two sys-
                         not only in Denmark, but in several European   tems, participants were ready to visit institutions in
                         countries. It is therefore important to broaden the   Copenhagen on the second day. They visited a major
                         pupils’ knowledge and views on career choices and   VET College, a preparatory youth education and
                         further education. Many pupils in lower secondary   training centre and the youth guidance centre of

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