Page 20 - Euroguidance Insight Magazine
P. 20

1.5          Other

                         Network-Level Activity

                         Euroguidance supporting the              There were eight meetings of the Project Group held
                         development of Europass                  in 2022 as well as two training sessions. In February
                                                                  2022 the Euroguidance centres in Austria, Sweden,
                         By taking part in the Europass Advisory Group   and Greece presented their national Learning Op-
                         special project group on learning opportunities,   portunities databases to the group. At the end of the
                         the Euroguidance centres of Sweden, Austria,   process of the working group, a note on the results
                         Bulgaria, and Greece worked actively to support   was submitted to the Europass Advisory Group (AG),
                         the development of Europass during 2022.   including:
                         In December 2021 the European Commission initiat-    •  Scope of learning opportunities in Europass
                         ed a project group to support strategic discussions     •  The distinction between learning opportunities
                         on the publication of information on learning   and qualifications and additional search criteria
                         opportunities in Europass. Another aim was to be     •  Additional search filters and mandatory data
                         able to define the scope for publishing learning   fields
                         opportunities in Europass and to develop a vision     •  QDR publishing agreement
                         for 2025.                                   •  Connection with other EU platforms

                         Screenshot of

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