Page 24 - Euroguidance Insight Magazine
P. 24

2.1          Professional

                         Development: Workshops,

                         Webinars and Tools

                         Euroguidance Study Day "The future       life. The possibilities that guidance offers to direct
                         of guidance" in Belgium Flanders,        clients to education or (re)training and to promote
                         October 2022                             professional mobility, are important factors in the
                                                                  process of economic recovery.
                         On 14 October 2022,  EG Belgium (Flanders)
                         hosted a study day on the future of guidance,   Following an introduction by Epos director Jill Peiffer
                         marking the 30  anniversary of the Euroguidance   and Euroguidance coordinator Joke Verlinden, Prof.
                         Network. Educational and professional guidance is   Dr. Ans De Vos (Antwerp Management School, BE)
                         becoming increasingly important in today’s world   gave an insight on sustainable careers and the role
                         as a way of finding access to a worthy job and   of guidance professionals. A second keynote by

                         © Euroguidance Vlaanderen / Epos vzw

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