Page 21 - Euroguidance Insight Magazine
P. 21

•  Engagement and Communication       Two more groups of guidance practitioners had the
                    •  The European Learning Model V3     opportunity to take the course in 2022.
                 The group reached its objective of defining the   Mobility guidance toolbox
                 scope and the vision for the publication of learning   The course provides guidance professionals with
                 opportunities in Europass by 2025. The Europass AG   tools that they can use in their work with young
                 was invited to discuss and endorse the note, the out-  people who are considering going abroad, or need
                 comes of the work of the project group and agreed   support during mobility or to help identify learning
                 on continuation of the group during 2022-23 as an   outcomes after their return. The course’s “additional
                 occasional forum for discussion on issues related to   optional material” section was developed specifically
                 learning opportunities in Europass.
                                                          to provide tailored information and tools pertaining
                 Taking part in this work is an example of how the   to mobility guidance. Participants identified several
                 Euroguidance centres support the development   models that can help them better explain processes
                 and implementation of Europass, which is done in   of learning mobility to their students.
                 many ways, for instance by developing an eCourse
                 on Europass for guidance counsellors.    More information:
                 Nordic and Baltic Euroguidance           News from the Euroguidance French
                 centres support the development          speaking working group
                 of international networking              This working group meets once or twice a year, al-
                 competencies for guidance                ternating the host country. The objective is to share
                 practitioners online                     the evolution of national policies and practice in the
                                                          field of guidance in Belgium (French-speaking
                 The  Nordic and Baltic Euroguidance centres   part), France and Luxembourg.
                 of Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Iceland, Latvia,
                 Lithuania, Norway  and Sweden  believe  that   In 2021-2022, 4 meetings took place, 2 of which
                 providing continuous opportunities for the guid-  were remote. The themes addressed were guidance
                 ance community to improve soft skills and build   in the context of ecological transition and the imple-
                 international networking competencies remains   mentation of lifelong guidance in Belgium.
                 important. Proactive mobility guidance can improve
                 learning outcomes, increase the volume of learning
                 mobility, make learning mobility more inclusive, and
                 widen participation. These reasons underpinned the
                 decision to deliver an online course on mobility
                 guidance, jointly developed by the Nordic and Baltic
                 Euroguidance centers.
                 While several Euroguidance centres had previously
                 designed and developed “national” e-courses for
                 guidance practitioners, this collaboration sought
                 to develop an international course relevant to their
                 own region in English on mobility guidance in 2020-
                 2021. The course was then piloted in early 2021 and
                 improved, based on user feedback and the evalu-
                 ation report of an external expert. The course was
                 supplemented with several case-based joint group
                 assignments, for completion between course sessions.
                 Working together on group assignments with col-
                 leagues from other countries, guidance practitioners
                 had the opportunity to network and share their expe-
                 rience. As one of the course participants pointed out:
                 “Guidance counsellors networking across borders can
                 find many opportunities and new exiting knowledge.
                 I learned more about my own job and tools available
                 during this course than doing my job for two years now.”
                                                          ©Euroguidance France

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