Page 18 - Euroguidance Insight Magazine
P. 18

1.4          Academia

                         Academia, the exchange programme         A quality research approach
                         for guidance professionals               Indeed, Academia network works hard to harmo-
                         Academia is a programme launched in 1995, which   nise study visits and to ensure a quality approach.
                         has seen over 2000 guidance practitioners each   The  Academia Vademecum, has been updated
                         benefit from 3 to 5-day study visits across Europe.   in 2022 and includes a lot of information on the
                         The aim of these study visits is to share good prac-  roles and duties of everyone: the national coor-
                         tice between guidance practitioners and to raise   dinators, the host organisations and finally the
                         awareness of the different guidance systems across   participants.
                         Europe. The themes are proposed in advance by the   A common evaluation for all study visits
                         national Academia coordinators at an annual meet-
                         ing, and the visits then consist of peer exchanges,   The expectations in terms of training professionals
                         school visits, meetings with professionals and users,   and the evaluations of these study visits are at
                         and practical workshops. 12 study visits took place   the heart of the debates. A pilot project (Estonia,
                         in 2022, including a virtual one in Ireland with 128   France, Ireland, Latvia, Slovenia, Sweden) on pre-
                         participants.                            and post-activity evaluation took place in 2022 and
                                                                  will be extended to all visits in Spring 2023. This
                         The organisation of the Academia network  research supports quality improvement and aims
                         The participating countries are Austria, Belgium,   to verify that the objectives of the programme are
                         Czech Republic, Estonia, France, Germany, Italy,   being met everywhere. Having pre and post surveys
                         Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Romania, Slova-  helps to make evidence-based conclusions on the
                         kia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden. The network meets   improvement of practitioner competencies. The
                         physically once a year, and the last meeting took   results of 2022 were very encouraging and showed
                         place in Tallinn in September 2022. In addition to   that the expectations of guidance professionals
                         this physical meeting, several remote meetings are   corresponded well with the objectives of the pro-
                         organized during the year.               gramme.

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