Page 13 - Euroguidance Insight Magazine
P. 13

1.3         International and

                 Cross Border Cooperation,

                 Conferences and TCAs

                 International seminars and conferences are organised and attended by individual Euroguidance
                 Centres and bringing guidance experts together to support knowledge sharing and networking.
                 During 2021 and 2022, most events were held on site. Some events were hybrid, but most profes-
                 sionals appreciated being able to meet on site again.

                 Euroguidance conference                  professionals in competence development”, explored
                 “Meeting the future today”               whether digital guidance services brought forth
                 November 2022, Prague                    during the pandemic, will be kept and sustained.
                                                          The panel consisting of Daniel Hailemariam (Haile-
                 “Meeting the future today: Capacity building for the
                 European guidance community” was organised as   mariam Consulting), Tristram Hooley (Inland Norway
                 a hybrid event both in Prague (CZ) and online on   University), Ilze Jansone (Euroguidance Latvia and
                 30 November 2022, by a group of Euroguidance   IAEVG), Florian Kadletz (ETF) and Lukasz Sienkiewicz
                 centres, coordinated by EG Czech Republic. Prac-  (Gdansk University) concluded that more training
                 titioners, policy makers and trainers throughout   of practitioners would be needed to handle these
                 Europe were invited to this hybrid conference to   developments. Face-to-face services would still be
                 discuss competence development in guidance and   needed for more in-depth guidance.
                 to celebrate the 30 years of Euroguidance work   The panel also discussed whether upskilling and
                 supporting lifelong guidance in Europe.   competence development should be made compul-
                                                          sory for practitioners. It was thought that a better
                 More than 500 participants from more than 50
                 countries took part in the event, on-site and on-  option would be to develop strong frameworks of
                 line. In a series of workshops and panel sessions,   competences on national level. The panelists also
                 existing tools, frameworks and approaches in the   raised existing competence frameworks, developed
                 field of guidance were discussed. The ambitious   by international organisations such as the IAEVG. The
                 conference programme covered many different   audience saw adaptability, flexibility and reflection
                 areas of competence development. There were a   skills as the biggest priority areas in competence
                 total of 21 workshops and presentations led by 70   development.
                 experts. Both external presenters, as well as several   One of the aims of the conference was to offer a
                 Euroguidance centres offered hands-on sessions on   chance for  informal  networking. The  breaks, as
                 themes such as “Ways forward for professionalising   well as the poster exhibition at the end of the day,
                 career guidance”, “Inclusive mobility and the role of   and a joint dinner, were full of lively conversations.
                 guidance”, “Good practices linked to the competence   Mentimeter results from the audience showed that
                 development of career guidance practitioners”.   the main takeaway from the event was 'inspiration'!
                 One panel discussion, “Partnerships in European   The conference was organised as part of Global
                 Lifelong Guidance – how can we support guidance   Careers Month (Nov-Dec 2022), on the initiative

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