Page 14 - Euroguidance Insight Magazine
P. 14

of Cedefop, the European Commission, ETF, ILO,   Vocational Training (which includes responsibility
                         OECD, UNESCO and the World Bank. The event also   for Euroguidance Spain) to highlight the importance
                         supported collaboration between Euroguidance and   of mobility and digitalisation when defining the
                         IAEVG (International Association for Educational   approaches and strategies in the development of
                         and Vocational Guidance). All conference material,     vocational guidance at a time of permanent tech-
                         including video recording of workshops and ses-  nological change and globalisation.
                         sions, can be downloaded here
                                                                  Xurxo Remuiñán Suárez, Policy Officer in DG
                         Learning by Leaving Conference -         Communication Networks, opened the plenary
                         “Digital Nomads in the 21  Century",     sessions with a presentation on the importance of
                         October 2022, Spain                      developing four essential areas (skills, infrastructure,
                                                                  public services and business) in order to achieve
                         “Learning by Leaving Conferences” are an initia-  the goals, set by the European Commission in the
                         tive organised by the European mobility networks   Digital Decade 2030 – to enable citizens to gain
                         Euroguidance, Eures, Eurodesk and Europass, to   equal access to all digitalisation processes and thus
                         foster closer cooperation through the exchange of   narrow the digital divide in certain social groups and
                         information and best practice.           in depopulated and rural areas.
                         The four Spanish networks, which belong to four   During the plenary sessions, the four networks
                         different Ministries, worked together to organise the   introduced actions, plans and projects relating to
                         conference "Digital Nomads in the 21  Century" on   the digital skills of employees, and use of the new
                         26-28 October 2022, focussing on the relationship   Europass digital tool to enhance lifelong learning
                         between mobility and digitalisation. The primary   and the management of professional development
                         aim was to explore how these two concepts are   by the networks and users.
                         connected today and how people's digital skills   The workshops presented by members of the Eu-
                         influence their mobility opportunities, and better   roguidance Network included the following topics:
                         work/life balance. The secondary objective was   “How to reach vulnerable people for lifelong guid-
                         to establish favorable conditions for showcasing   ance?”, “Unique academic e-course for career practi-
                         initiatives implemented in various countries and   tioners on mobility in Europe”, “Team management:
                         contexts to promote the development of e-skills   between trust and control”, “A perfect fit or a perfect
                         through practical mobility experiences.  storm? Creating synergies between Euroguidance
                                                                  & Europass”, “Professional development through a
                         Representatives of the ministries responsible for the
                         networks involved attended the opening, including   self-paced online course: Lessons learned from the
                         Asunción Manzanares Moya, Deputy Director Gener-  C-Course Project”, “Inclusive mobility. Call to action”.
                         al of Guidance and Lifelong Learning who spoke as   Once again, Learning by Leaving has demonstrated
                         the representative of the Ministry of Education and   high demand from professionals working in the field

                         © Euroguidance Spain

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